The Ambler Gazette

Community spirit brings comfort amid tragedy


To the EditorW

f wonder if Pete Teleha is smiling. His funeral, although horrendous in its prematurit­y, illustrate­d for all of us the true meaning of community and the many different pieces it takes to make one like ours so strong.

The devastatio­n of losing a son, brother, grandson, cousin, nephew and friend was juxtaposed with the magnificen­ce of rpper aublin coming together at St. Alphonsus for a service none of us will soon forget.

The church, filled to honor this gifted, special young man, held parishione­rs from St. Alphonsus; hundreds of congregant­s from Temple Sinai Ewhere his mother, Suzanne, is a part of our familyF; students, faculty and alumni from rpper aublin High; co-eds from Hofstra; and co-workers and friends from across the country and beyond.

At the service, Suzanne allowed a relative to read her words. She spoke of Pete’s love of Legos — how he built them, deconstruc­ted them and then built them back again to make something even better.

Today, f don’t feel as if this untimely, no-words-todescribe death will make us better. But sitting in that church, f know we were comforted by the embrace of this extraordin­ary community. With words and song from a rabbi, a cantor, a church choir and a priest, the pieces of our community will come together to embrace the Teleha family, helping them to be the best they can be even under these unspeakabl­e circumstan­ces.

Each of us left with a piece of Pete’s Legos to keep in our pocket. Today, throughout rpper aublin, each of us keeps a piece of this extraordin­ary young man with us, each of us rememberin­g the fragility of life and the importance of community. ves, Pete must be smiling. With only 2M years on this earth, he surely made a difference for this community. Debbie Albert

aresher fs this a proposed cut in jedicare funding resulting in a cut in jedicare services? What’s to praise in requiring Catholic hospitals to choose between compromisi­ng their faith or closing? ff the latter, who makes up for the missing hospital beds? What’s to praise in forcing insurers to cover pre-existing conditions and contracept­ives, when insurers will need to increase premiums to cover the increased risks? lh, the government will force insurers to hold rates steady? ff so, the government will force insurers out of business.

There is praise for a plan your editorial said will offer me the same health coverage enjoyed by our congressme­n. That’s not true — PPACA isn’t even close to the Congress plan. Charles T. Christine

Blue Bell

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