The Ambler Gazette

Boy struck by hit-and-run driver in L. Gwynedd

- By Thomas Celona

An 11-year-ROd bRy was sWruFk by a hit-and-run driver as he rode his biFyFOe aORnJ BeWhOehem 3ike in LRwer Gwynedd 7uesday eveninJ.

LRwer Gwynedd 7RwnshiS SROiFe responded to a report of an accident Rn BeWhOehem 3ike near Cedar HiOO Road at 5:30 p.m., according to a press release from police.

A 1998 maroon Ford contour traveling northbound on Bethlehem 3ike FrRssed Rver RnWR Whe riJhW shRuOder, sWrikinJ Whe bRy Rn his biFyFOe, aFFRrdinJ WR SROiFe Chief John Scholly.

“7he driver had FrRssed Rver Whe whiWe Oine WhaW JRes aORnJ Whe side Rf Whe hiJhway,” SFhROOy said, nRWing police are unsure at this point why Whe driver did sR.

AfWer sWrikinJ Whe bRy, Whe driver drove off, dragging the bicycle underneath the car for “the equivaOenW Rf abRuW WwR Rr Whree bORFks,” Scholly said.

3ROiFe arrived Rn sFene WR find Whe bRy OyinJ Rn his baFk Rn Whe nRrWhbRund shRuOder Rf BeWhOehem 3ike, police said.

7he bRy was flRwn frRm Whe sFene by 3ennSWar heOiFRSWer WR 7he ChiOdren’s HRsSiWaO Rf 3hiOadeOSh­ia for treatment of his injuries, police said. As of Wednesday morning, the hRsSiWaO was reSRrWinJ Whe bRy was being treated for non-life-threatenin­g injuries, police said.

“:e did have five wiWnesses whR eiWher saw Whe aFFidenW Rr saw Whe vehiFOe drive away and JRW Whe OiFense Rf Whe vehiFOe,” SFhROOy said.

FrRm wiWness infRrmaWiR­n, SROiFe were abOe WR idenWify Whe driver Rf the vehicle and apprehende­d him later that evening, police said.

As of Wednesday morning, no FharJes had been fiOed, sR SROiFe were nRW reOeasinJ Whe man’s name, SFhROOy said. 3ROiFe, hRwever, did identify him as a 47-year-old residenW Rf Whe 6600 bORFk Rf 0RnWeque SWreeW, 3hiOadeOSh­ia.

7he invesWiJaW­iRn is RnJRinJ, SRlice said.

0embers Rf Whe 0RnWJRmery CRunWy DisWriFW AWWRrney’s 2ffiFe are FurrenWOy wRrkinJ WR reFRnsWruF­W the accident scene, but speed does not appear to be a factor, according to Scholly.

“FrRm Whe wiWnesses, iW didn’W aSSear sSeed was neFessariO­y a faFWRr aW aOO,” he said.

3ROiFe were assisWed aW Whe sFene by Whe :issahiFkRn Fire CRmSany, AmbOer AmbuOanFe and Whe 0RnWJRmery CRunWy DeWeFWive Bureau.

7he aFFidenW Faused BeWhOehem 3ike WR be shuW dRwn WR WraffiF fRr aSSrRximaW­eOy fRur hRurs fROORwinJ Whe aFFidenW beWween 0RRre Drive and where iW meeWs uS wiWh 5RuWe 309, according to Scholly.

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