The Ambler Gazette

Make Medicare changes now


Medicare and supplement­al health coverage provide a safety net for those age 65 and up, but insurance coverage, at best, can be confusing.

For the nearly 117,000 Montgomery County residents who are 65 years or older now is the time to think about KHDOWK FDUH FRYHUDgH, DV 2FW. 15 wDV WKH fiUVW GDy DnG Dec. 7 the last day those with Medicare can make changes to their health insurance plans.

Following are tips from one insurance carrier for those using Medicare.

•EYHn LI yRu’UH KDSSy wLWK yRuU FuUUHnW FRYHUDgH, LW doesn’t hurt to compare plans. Most plans make changes every year, so it’s worth checking even if you carefully considered plans last year. ff you still like what you have, do nothing and you’ll automatica­lly be re-enrolled in your current plan.

•2ULgLnDO 0HGLFDUH (3DUWV $ DnG B) GRHVn’W FRYHU HYerything. Take a look at your regular monthly health care expenses and decide what plan covers what you need at the best cost. Original Medicare doesn’t cover everything and has no limits on out-of-pocket expenses.

•0HGLFDUH $GYDnWDgH SODnV SURYLGH DGGLWLRnDO EHnHfiWV. 0HGLFDUH $GYDnWDgH SODnV (3DUW C) DUH DnRWKHU RStion to original Medicare. They provide comprehens­ive coverage with fewer out-of-pocket costs than original Medicare and often include coverage for prescripti­on GUugV (3DUW D). 0HGLFDUH $GYDnWDgH SODnV DOVR RIIHU DGGLWLRnDO EHnHfiWV, VuFK DV KHDULng, GHnWDO, YLVLRn VHUYLFHV, help managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, and additional support after a hospitaliz­ation.

•CKHFN WKDW yRuU nHWwRUN LnFOuGHV GRFWRUV DnG KRVSLtals you will need. vour health needs can change, so it’s best to think ahead to be sure you have easy access to quality health care services.

•0DNH VuUH yRuU SODn FRYHUV WKH PHGLFDWLRn­V yRu WDNH. ,I yRu’UH EuyLng D 0HGLFDUH 3UHVFULSWL­Rn (3DUW D) SODn, check if there’s coverage for your drugs in the “donut hole.” This is where you are responsibl­e for a certain percentage of charges after reaching your prescripti­on coverage limit and before you reach the yearly out-of-pocket maximum spending limit.

•,I SRVVLEOH, GRn’W wDLW unWLO WKH ODVW PLnuWH WR HnUROO. The extra time helps your insurance company verify your eligibilit­y, get you properly set up in their system, order your fD card, and ensure a smooth transition from 2012 to 2013.

•,W’V 2. WR FKDngH yRuU PLnG. FURP -Dn. 1 WR FHE. 14, 0HGLFDUH EHnHfiFLDU­LHV FDn FDnFHO WKHLU 0HGLFDUH $GYDntage plan and sign up for a Medicare Supplement, or return to original Medicare.

Where to go for help. A licensed broker can provide you with all the informatio­n you need to make an informed decision and even come to your home to educate you. Also, many health plans offer community meetings DERuW 0HGLFDUH. CKHFN wLWK Dn LnVuUHU nRw WR finG RuW.

7KH RIfiFLDO 8.6. gRYHUnPHnW VLWH IRU 0HGLFDUH, wKLFK includes informatio­n on related supplement­al health plans is at

By hathy Disque

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