The Antlers American

Fun Ways To Spend Extra Leap Day Hours


The sentiment that there aren’t enough hours in the day may be true for busy families and individual­s. However, once every four years, everyone is given an extra day on their calendars in February.

Although Leap Day is designed to move the clock and calendar more in line with the Earth’s rotation around the sun, which takes slightly longer than 365 days, it also can be an exciting opportunit­y to relax and have some fun. The following are some ways to maximize that extra day of the year.

Learn about leaplings: A leapling is a person who was born on February 29 during a leap year. Highlights magazine reports the odds of being a leapling is one in 1,461. Find out if anyone you know is a leapling or research celebrity leaplings.

Celebrate Leap Day: Even if Leap Day isn’t an official holiday, it is worthy of celebratio­n. Figure out a theme for your party, and then invite friends over for an extra day of revelry or relaxation.

Take the day off: Make the most of Leap Day by enjoying a mental health day and taking off from work or school, if possible. Spend the day engaged in hobbies or other activities.

Leapin’ lizards: Kids may enjoy reading up on or learning about the various animals that are good at leaping, which can include frogs or flying squirrels. Children and adults can take turns doing their own leaping long jumps to see who can leap the farthest.

Calculate your leap year age: Students can practice math and have fun in the process by dividing each person’s age by four to determine what age they would be had they been born on a Leap Day.

Commemorat­e in fours: Do everything for the day in fours. Enjoy four scoops of ice cream or commit to a four-hour hike. Go out to lunch or dinner with friends and spend four hours finding out everything that has been going on in the lives of others. Watch a movie marathon that adds up to four hours of fantastic cinema.

Leap into community service: Use the extra time for doing good. Figure out where you can volunteer your services and make Leap Day all about giving back.

Leap Day is an opportunit­y to engage in fun or relaxing activities everyone can enjoy.

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