The Arizona Republic

Marathon bomber is ‘genuinely sorry,’ nun says

Antideath penalty activist weighs in in court

- G. Jeffrey MacDonald

BOSTON — Both sides rested Monday in the penalty phase of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s trial, minutes after Sister Helen Prejean told jurors he is “genuinely sorry.”

BOSTON Both sides rested Monday in the penalty phase of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s trial, minutes after Sister Helen Prejean told jurors he is “genuinely sorry for what he did.”

Prejean, the Catholic nun and anti-death penalty activist who became famous with the 1995 film version of her book Dead Man Walking, said she has met five times with Tsarnaev since early March. She said he told her how he felt about the suffering he caused to the bombing’s victims.

“He said it emphatical­ly,” Prejean said. “He said no one deserves to suffer like they did. ... I had every reason to think he was taking it in and he was genuinely sorry for what he did.”

Jurors are expected to get the case on Wednesday to decide whether Tsarnaev will be executed or spend his life in prison without the possibilit­y of parole.

Prejean said Tsarnaev “kind of lowered his eyes” when he spoke about the victims. His “face registered” what he was saying. She interprete­d his remorseful sentiment “as absolutely sincere,” she said.

Prejean said she talked with Tsarnaev about both their faiths, his Islam and her Catholicis­m.

“I talked about how in the Catholic Church we have become more and more opposed to the death penalty,” she said.

Defense attorney Miriam Con- rad asked Prejean what she heard in Tsarnaev’s voice when he spoke about the victims’ suffering. “It had pain in it,” she said. Prejean, who has been a nun since 1957, said she started meeting with Tsarnaev in early March at the invitation of his lawyers. She had met with him as recently as a few days ago, she said.

Conrad asked her about her impression­s of Tsarnaev when she first met him.

“I walked in the room, I looked at his face and said, ‘Oh my God, he’s so young!’ ” she said. Throughout its case, the defense team has emphasized Tsarnaev’s youth and impression­ability.

In the gallery, bombing victims shook their heads and looked around incredulou­sly when Prejean said Tsarnaev was remorseful.

On cross-examinatio­n, Assistant U.S. Attorney William Weinreb listed Prejean’s credential­s as an activist. She confirmed she wants the death penalty abolished.

“He said no one deserves to suffer like they did. ... He was genuinely sorry for what he did.”

Sister Helen Prejean

 ?? SCOTT EISEN, GETTY IMAGES ?? Sister Helen Prejean is surrounded by media after testifying that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, should be spared the death penalty.
SCOTT EISEN, GETTY IMAGES Sister Helen Prejean is surrounded by media after testifying that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, should be spared the death penalty.
 ?? JANE FALVELL COLLINS, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY ?? An artist’s sketch shows defendant Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his attorney listening to testimony in March.
JANE FALVELL COLLINS, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY An artist’s sketch shows defendant Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his attorney listening to testimony in March.

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