The Arizona Republic

Soon, eating meat will be an indulgence



We often wonder how people of the past, including the most revered and refined, could have universall­y engaged in conduct now considered unconscion­able.

Such as slavery. How could the Founders, so sublimely devoted to human liberty, have lived with — some participat­ing in — human slavery? Or fourscore years later, how could the saintly Lincoln, an implacable opponent of slavery, have neverthele­ss spoken of and believed in African inferiorit­y?

While retrospect­ive judgment tends to make us feel superior to our ancestors, it should really evoke humility. Surely some contempora­ry practices will be deemed equally abominable by succeeding generation­s. The only question is: Which ones?

I’ve long thought it will be our treatment of animals. I’m convinced that our great-grandchild­ren will find it difficult to believe that we actually raised, herded and slaughtere­d them for the eating.

To be sure, there has been a salutary turn in our attitude toward animals, especially their display and confinemen­t. Barnum & Bailey is retiring its elephant acts. Festooning these magnificen­t creatures with comically gaudy costumes and parading them about, often shackled, is a reproach to both their nobility and our humanity.

And although some of these measures are market-driven, they are nonetheles­s welcome.

As are the improvemen­ts in zoos. The zoo animals I remember from my childhood were so sadly caged, so restlessly pawing the ground, so piteously defeated. Today, the enclosures are more forgiving, the bars largely gone, the running space more ample.

The zoo used to symbolize man’s dominion over his menacing adversarie­s, his competitor­s for living space. Now the competitio­n is over. Our rivals have either been wiped out or driven back to the bush.

The overriding mission of today’s zoo is conservanc­y.

Another advance, and not just for them but for us. One measure of human moral progress, amid and despite the savageries we visit upon each other, is how we treat the innocent in our care. And none are more innocent than these.

Which brings us to meat-eating. Its extinction will, I believe, ultimately come. And be largely market-driven, as well. Science will find dietary substitute­s that can be produced at infinitely less cost and effort. At which point, meat will become a kind of exotic indulgence, what the cigar (of “Cigar Aficionado”) is to the dying tobacco culture of today.

As a moderate carnivore myself, I confess to living in Jeffersoni­an hypocrisy. It’s a bit late for me to live on berries and veggies. While I don’t demand that every chicken I consume be certified to have enjoyed an open meadow and a vibrant social life, if I can eat free range, I will.

No. I’m not joining PETA. I firmly believe that man is the measure of all things. Sometimes you have to choose. I cringe at medical experiment­ation, but if you need to study cats’ eyes in order to spare some humans from blindness, do it. (Though not to test cosmetics.)

If the mating habits of the Arctic caribou have to be disturbed so we can produce 1 million barrels of oil a day, on a drilling footprint the size of Dulles Airport in a refuge the size of Ireland, I say: Apologize to the amorous herd, then drill.

But some things are unnecessar­y. Caging beautiful creatures. Displaying them for spectacle. It’s good that these are being rethought.

The cheeseburg­er question we leave to our progeny. Though, when their time comes, they should refrain from moral preening. They will, by then, have invented abominatio­ns of their very own. Humans always do.

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