The Arizona Republic

Chromium-6 article is just more liberal fearmonger­ing


Your article is presented in typical Arizona Republic fashion, with the insinuatio­n that cities aren’t in compliance with water regulation­s (“Study finds carcinogen in Valley cities’ water,” Sept. 20).

This study was authored by Environmen­tal Working Group, lobbyists operating as a non-profit environmen­tal health research and advocacy organizati­on.

The article continuous­ly refers to statistics developed from comparison to California goals, not U.S. EPA standards and totally fails to mention that EPA has a drinking water standard of 0.1 milligrams per liter or 100 parts per billion for total chromium, including chromium-6.

The Arizona Republic has given the EWR lobbyists a front page gift to scare the masses….shame on you. Yes, we all desire clean drinking water, but California is not the law of the land, and this article is just another attempt to bash Arizona by a bunch of liberals.

— Mesa

Embracing culture over country has made us a divided nation

I, like many of my friends, have watched with dismay at what we perceive and what has been frequently referenced as the “unraveling of the fabric of America.” In my humble opinion, the tear began when we began to insert a hyphen in front of the word American, i.e., Mexican-American, African-American, Somali-American.

It used to be, we were all Americans. I may be wrong, but I don’t recall hearing about any Somali-Germans, or AfricanDan­es, or Iraqi-Brits. We have allowed the culture police to Balkanize our country. You will note, even when folks from other countries migrate to greener pastures, they frequently do not embrace the host nation’s culture, but insist on receiving the largess, without the willingnes­s to adopt.

It’s the “hyphen-nation” of America that has torn the fabric of our country. I’m so old, I can remember when we were all just, Americans. Things seemed to be nicer then.

— Sedona

Arpaio and birther movement are involved in a web of endless lies

In last Sunday’s Republic, it appears that aides to suddenly silent Sheriff Joe Arpaio are trying to rekindle Donald Trump’s long perpetuate­d claim that President Obama is not a U.S. citizen. Over five years ago, we were assured by Hawaii’s Department of Health that the president’s Hawaiian birth certificat­e is indeed legitimate and were also shown published accounts from two Honolulu newspapers back in August 1961 that a baby boy Obama, among other babies, was born back then.

Now in 2016, we read of Arpaio’s manager and loyal fundraiser, Chad Willems, saying that his boss only focused on the birth certificat­e as a potential forged government document.

Ironically, in March 2015, the day President Obama was in Phoenix for a day on other matters, I was reminded of this birther matter when a lady seated next to me at a lunch table blurted that she wouldn’t even go across the street to greet the president and said further, “He isn’t even an American citizen.”

I was dismayed at her ignorance, told her he was born in Hawaii and asked if she also believed he was born in Kenya. Yes, she did. As the election draws near, and unethical candidates are being pressed for answers to questions, we can certainly see the truth in the old adage, “It takes 50 lies to cover one.”

— Mesa

Don’t dismiss Clinton’s significan­t achievemen­ts because of gender

This is to Mike Fisher from Peoria (letters, Sept. 20) who commented that Hillary Clinton has never worked a day in her life: She has been a mother, wife, lawyer, U.S. senator, U.S. secretary of state, first lady and presidenti­al candidate (twice).

There are few men, let alone women, who have such an impressive resume. To minimalize her accomplish­ments is insulting to all women. What's your resume?

— , Sun City West

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