The Arizona Republic

Would ASU have let kids protest leftist policies?


I was shocked to read that students in ASU’s Global Politics of Human Rights class were encouraged and rewarded by their professor for choosing to protest against President Trump’s policies instead of taking a final exam.

I wonder if this would have ever happened or if the professors would have supported it if the protest were against the policies of President Obama?

The students protested against Trump’s deportatio­n policy, but interestin­gly, under President Obama more people were deported than under any other president in U.S. history.

However, that is beside the point. The really scary thing about this is that my taxes are being spent to fund a class and a professor at a respected state university that is obviously and openly teaching political prejudice and bias.

Despite the statement issued by the ASU administra­tion to the contrary, I see this action as clearly outside the limits of the free expression of ideas and opinions.

A state-funded university has no business actively promoting any political agenda or promoting the open defiance of university rules (like not complying with taking a final exam).

May I please have a refund of my tax dollars that are going to ASU?

— Robert Carpenter, Chandler

Before you start pontificat­ing on North Korea, know your topic

Trying to “topple North Korea with kindness” would be as productive as trying to kill a large poisonous snake by hand feeding it live mice.

First of all, and most important, no one in this country, from the president down to the average man in the street, has any business commenting on North Koreans until they have spent 12 continuous months interactin­g with them from dawn ‘til dusk.

A good start to understand­ing the problem would be to read the chapter in Rutherford Poats’ book “Decision in Korea” (1954), which explains what happened to our negotiator­s at Panmunjom. A North Korean will not enter into any discussion or negotiatio­n unless they

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