The Arizona Republic

Please, Dan Bickley, let’s not turn football stadiums into drug fests


When was the last time a Hillsdale College or a Liberty University did anything but spew conservati­ve dogma, demonize the left and have the courage to invite Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Cornel West, or Neil Degrasse Tyson to address their school?

So, while the treatment of certain speakers by students at various schools is less than sterling, those schools are at least making an attempt to expose their students to a wide range of views. When the “right” starts offering such diversity, then they will have a basis for complaint.

— Steven L. Klein, Laveen

Authors of Trumpcare might want to prepare to duck lightning bolts

I hope these conservati­ve, religious guys go to church on Sunday and consider what they did, and if I were them I would duck my head on entering the church because there might be a lightening bolt with their name on it coming down from above. — Thomas Cecil, Scottsdale

I am stunned by Dan Bickley’s marijuana proposal (April 26), which sounds so uncharacte­ristic to all your previous writings over the years.

I agree with you that NFL football is good ol’ fashion Blood & Guts. Its current acceptance is proved by its record attendance over other profession­al sports.

But your recent diagnosis to turn the football stadium into a marijuana marathon by permitting players to abuse the substance blows my mind.

How you continue this as the answer to some teams abusing pain killers and addictive drugs is confusing, at the least.

Why not attack that problem head-on rather than compoundin­g chaos. Please, let’s not turn NFL football stadiums into drug fests.

— Bill Hansen, Sun City West

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