The Arizona Republic

Let’s avoid gross generaliza­tions about name lengths


Today’s question: Why is it that the name for a male child is short and easy while the female child name is so much longer and more complicate­d? I don’t know if I have an answer or even if it is true that female names are longer and more complicate­d than male names.

A small-minded cynic might say it’s because men are so dumb they need shorter names that are easier for them to remember.

Of course, being the sweet and innocent soul that I am I would never dream of suggesting such a thing.

I did come across this: A few years ago, TheLadders, an online job matching site with six million members, did a study that found, on average, people with shorter names earn more money than people with lots of letters in their names.

We have a tree in our yard that seems to be a mystery to all.

It is a yellow flowering tree that has what looks like pea pods after blooming. As these pea pods ripen in the sun, they explode and pop seeds over 20 feet from it. The seeds are army green in color. Are you new here? Unless I am gravely mistaken it’s a sycamore. They’re all over the place.

Quite often, actually almost all the time, when a person is quoting someone he/she says “quote UNquote”. When anything is “un-whatever” doesn’t that indicate that it is undone, reverted back to the original, gotten rid of?

Shouldn’t it be, quote — then say whatever it is that is being quoted — end quote, to indicate he/she is no longer quoting?

I agree.

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