The Arizona Republic

Reversing the trend of heart disease in men.

it’s time to get moving


Men suffer from alarming high rates of cardiovasc­ular disease, accounting for roughly 1 out of 4 male deaths. That is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists heart disease as the leading cause of death for men in the United States. Statistica­lly speaking, men die on average five years earlier than their wives. Preventing cardiovasc­ular disease and addressing common risk factors (smoking, high blood pressure, high cholestero­l, overweight and obesity) is paramount for men’s health. While there is certainly a genetic component that cannot be overlooked, men’s attitudes towards their health plays as significan­t role as well. According to Demetrius Porche, DNS, RN, editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Men’s Health. “Men put their health last.” If we are to make any appreciabl­e difference and reverse the statistics in men’s favor, this trend must be reversed.

Research has clearly shown a direct correlatio­n between higher levels of physical activity and a reduction in the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease, a reduction in type 2 (adult onset) diabetes, lower body weight, lowered blood pressure and cholestero­l levels.

When it comes to men, there are additional considerat­ions as well.

For instance, men who are physically active are more likely to have normal reproducti­ve health and less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunctio­n (ED). In fact, due to similar underlying risk factors, including low levels of physical activity, research now conclusive­ly connects ED and cardiovasc­ular disease.

This is partially because men who exercise regularly tend to maintain healthier body weight. In addition, increasing levels of overweight and obesity are also associated with lower testostero­ne levels. Men with decreased testostero­ne levels are more likely to experience a diminished interest in sex, ED, depression and general lack of energy. Therefore, men who maintain regular moderate activity levels decrease their risk of developing cardiovasc­ular disease, ED and promote healthy testostero­ne levels.

Cardiovasc­ular disease has also been linked to obesity and obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 (adult onset) diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition that affects the body in that the body can no longer process or is resistant to glucose, or the sugar in your blood. According to the American Diabetes Associatio­n, men with type 2 diabetes are twice as likely to suffer from low testostero­ne and ED.

Despite all of the above, there is good news. It’s is never too late to change your health status. Regular physical activity can reduce and in some cases reserve the severity of all these risk factors.

Participat­ion in even moderate levels of activity such as walking lower the risk of a wide range of health problems. So, here’s a call to all women. Encourage the men in your life; husbands, fathers, uncles and children to get moving today and enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

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