The Arizona Republic

Trump goes to the colonel to get advice on transgende­rs Montini and Roberts are wrong in columns about Sen. McCain


Last week, President Trump announced through Twitter a ban on all transgende­rs in the military. He said he came to that conclusion after discussion with some of his generals.

Given the tepid response of military leaders on this ban, my question is who are these generals? What are their names?

I’m guessing the president sought the counsel of General Mills over a breakfast meeting. Also sitting in was Captain Crunch. At dinnertime, still in need of a wider range of views, he conferred with Colonel Sanders.

And, of course, his late night tweets come off sounding as if he spent considerab­le time seeking the wisdom of Captain Morgan. That’s quite an army of experts.

— Carol Valenziano, Chandler

It doesn’t seem like the left is interested in joint health-care fix

Do liberals really want a bipartisan approach to health care?

Or for that matter does Senator McCain really want a bipartisan solution? I suspect not. If they did, the starting point should be full repeal of Obamacare, after all that was passed on a totally partisan basis.

Once the slate is clean then a bipartisan solution can be enacted.

— Joe Heintz, Surprise

There can be no tolerance for parents leaving kids in hot cars

Regarding the babies left in cars: I can’t stand to see one more story about a child that someone “forgot” in a car. Forgot?! How do you forget a baby?! Come on, if it’s not in your arms, that’s your first clue. For hours?! Who forgets their child for hours? I also can’t bear to see this statement again:

“You feel like it’s something that could happen to anybody.”

No! It can’t just happen to anybody. Are you crazy?

I even saw one story that gave parents tips like put your purse or your cell phone near the car seat to “help” you remember.

If you only remember your baby because you can’t send a text on your celly, you aren’t a parent.

These aren’t tragedies, these are utter neglect, self-centeredne­ss, idiocy or worse.

I am a parent, and I have never forgotten my baby in a 240-degree car, as they quickly become as anyone in Phoenix knows.

You rushed in to the AC, but couldn’t think to do the same for a child? No way.

— Marybeth Porreca, Overgaard

In their respective opinion articles, Laurie Roberts and E.J. Montini got it wrong.

These Arizona Republic opinion writers had little to do with re-electing Sen. McCain, as they both wrote against “the Maverick” and his conservati­ve promises.

Now that he turned his back on the voters who elected him, Roberts and Montini rejoice.

Obamacare has been a failed initiative for many Arizona voters, and McCain’s antics showed he cared less about his voting constituen­ts that reelected him. He wanted one final grandstand in the Senate.

How many Arizona residents lost their insurance or their doctors because of Obama’s lies? How many saw their deductible­s doubled (or tripled), while premiums skyrockete­d?

John McCain wanted to ride off into the sunset in the headlines, and this was his last chance. He accomplish­ed that goal. — Brian Amster, Scottsdale

Dare I ask: Where is President Trump aiming his discharge line?

How many times have we heard POTUS vow to “drain the swamp.”

If he succeeds in this endeavor, it raises a big question: Where does he plan to put the drainage?

— Mary Sides, Cottonwood

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