The Arizona Republic

Where’s business community on education funding?


Arizona schools are in crisis and are crying for leadership to establish a permanent revenue source for education. Who will champion this effort? Some will turn to elected leaders, expecting them to “do the right thing.”

This approach ignores two realities. First, it misses that the governor and many sitting in the Legislatur­e were elected because they promised tax cuts. They shouldn’t break their word.

Second, the Legislatur­e needs a twothirds majority to raise taxes.

The only solution for raising new revenue is a citizen initiative that will provide every Arizonan with the opportunit­y to put our children, teachers and schools first.

If volunteer groups can collect over 80,000 valid signatures for a citizen initiative inspired solely by their displeasur­e over “school choice” laws, an even broader coalition can act with even greater force to raise over $1 billion in new education funding.

In June, a group of Arizona CEOs articulate­d a well-thought-out plan to fully fund Gov. Doug Ducey’s education priorities. The proposal would create a dedicated 1.5-cent per dollar tax-revenue stream for Arizona’s public schools, generating more than 1 billion new dollars for our schools. The plan was quickly endorsed by Jim Swanson, Gov. Ducey’s appointed co-chairman of the Classrooms First Initiative Council and CEO of Kitchell Constructi­on.

The 1.5 cent per dollar tax proposal would fund Ducey’s education priorities from his 2017 State of the State address:

Increasing teacher pay ($340 million).

Full-day kindergart­en ($240 million).

Restoring Arizona’s K-12 capital funding formula ($300 million).

Profession­al developmen­t teachers ($20 million).

Constructi­on trade workforce developmen­t grants ($20 million).

Funding for Arizona’s universiti­es to keep tuition affordable ($190 million)

Permanentl­y extending the 0.6 cent per dollar education-funding formula that expires in 2021 ($600 million)

A number of special interests are

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for pushing funding proposals that distract from Ducey’s vision and Arizona’s education priorities. If we lose our focus, we risk losing everything.

Recently, the Arizona Rural Schools Associatio­n, representi­ng 13 legislativ­e districts, 110 school districts and over 100,000 students, sent letters to the leadership of Greater Phoenix Leadership, Southern Arizona Leadership Council, Northern Arizona Leadership Alliance, and the Arizona Chamber of Commerce begging them to be champions for placing the 1.5 cent per dollar proposal on the ballot and fully funding Ducey’s education priorities. Their response? Cue the crickets...

Historical­ly, Arizona’s approach to education reform has relied solely on school choice, without new funding, as the panacea for improvemen­t. Our state has developed a school system among the most efficient in the world, but we have arrived at the limits of what efficiency — without funding — can accomplish. Nothing impacts the quality of a child’s education like the quality of the teacher. We’re seeing schools that can’t attract or retain teachers because we aren’t supporting our schools.

After nearly two decades, this governor-inspired, CEO-led proposal is the first and only one to be 100 percent focused on funding specific education goals and guaranteed to substantiv­ely move the needle for our children.

We can continue expecting more without adequate funding, or we can take action, by fulfilling Gov. Ducey’s education vision and answering the question, “Why not the best public education in Arizona?” Why not indeed.

As rural educators, we desperatel­y need the business community to do more than just throw nice receptions and fund the developmen­t of tools to measure performanc­e. We need Arizona’s business leadership to demonstrat­e leadership and fortitude by championin­g new revenue to fully fund Gov. Ducey’s education priorities to support Arizona’s children, families, schools and future economy.

Don German is executive director of the Arizona Rural Schools Associatio­n. Sean Rickert is superinten­dent of the Pima School District and serves on the board of “Why not the Best Public Education in Arizona?” Email them at seanricker­

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