The Arizona Republic

Jimmy Kimmel on his unlikely rise as a pundit

- Bill Goodykoont­z

Who could have guessed that Jimmy Kimmel would emerge as a political voice, bringing his personal experience to bear on subjects such as health care and mass shootings?

Not Kimmel.

The host of “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” and the returning host of the Academy Awards had no particular intention of becoming a kind of de facto spokesman against a Republican-led over-

haul of health care or for gun control in the U.S.

It just sort of happened that way.

In April, Kimmel’s son William was born with a congenital heart defect and underwent openheart surgery when he was 3 days old. During his opening monologue upon his return in May,Kimmel talked about how lucky he was to be able to pay for his son’s care while others couldn’t.

Kimmel continued to talk about the subject (Sen. Bill Cassidy, a Republican senator from Louisiana, at one point said a bill would have to pass the “Jimmy Kimmel test” before he’d vote for it, though he ran afoul of Kimmel later).

Later, Kimmel, in an emotional monologue, talked about the shooting in Las Vegas, the deadliest in modern U.S. history. He also took on Roy Moore, who was running for Senate in a special election in Alabama and was accused of having sexual relationsh­ips with underage girls.

More recently, Kimmel has talked about the school shooting in Florida.

These are emotional monologues, with Kimmel often brought to tears. It’s a different kind of role for a guy who once hosted “The Man Show” but who has shown both empathy and righteous anger in taking on the issues of the day.

Kimmel spoke recently about his unlikely emergence as a political pundit of sorts, being a critic of President Donald Trump and why he doesn’t see that role changing any time soon.

Question: When you were sitting there in high school, daydreamin­g about your future, was it your plan to become the political conscience of liberal America through a late-night show?

Answer: I was just hoping to have a big TV to watch a late-night TV show on. That would have been enough for me. To have a TV that was more than 12 inches in diameter.

Q: Are you surprised at this new kind of role?

A: No, it hasn’t surprised me. It’s surprised other people (laughs). Sometimes bad things happen to people in life and people do feel like they know you. So you have that baseline going in. I just spoke about the things that were happening in my life and my observatio­ns as a parent in a hospital. It also just so happened at that time our politician­s were working to strip us of affordable health care. While the timing is never good for your child to have congenital heart disease, I don’t know if I would say if it was meant to be, but sometimes it does seem like it was.

Q: Sure, but others have a similar platform. You used it for this. Why?

A: I didn’t have to. I don’t have many kind of rules I live by, but one of them is, if something bad happens to me, I try to make it into something good. Usually that means a joke. Like if I run out of gas, I’m like, ‘Oh boy, I can’t believe I’m so stupid. I ran out of gas.’ But in the back of my head, I know that because I have a TV show, I can make a funny story out of running out of gas. So I feel like I got something. A lot of the bad things I look back at in my life, if I had the ability to go back and reverse them, I wouldn’t, because I know I’ve gotten so much out of those things. I just try to look at it like that. And this happened to be a really big one.

Of course I’m online and reading the news and seeing what’s going on and seeing these families in the hospital suffering and struggling. It just seemed like the obvious thing to do.

Q: This did put you and your show in a different context for a lot of people, though.

A: That’s probably true. People tend to sketch a little cartoon of you, and they think that’s what you are, for better or worse. I think the cartoon most people sketched about me was different from who I am and how I conduct myself, I guess.

Q: Well, you have an act, a persona. You’re actually a pretty nice guy.

A: I’m trying to be funny, not nice, on TV. Every situation is different. Every show I’ve ever done, I’ve had a slightly different approach because of the audience. When I did my radio show, we were going after young men who listen to rock music. I focused more on that side of my personalit­y. There were other times when I was hosting a radio show on an adult-contempora­ry radio station, and that wasn’t necessaril­y ideal for the format. It’s different walking into the room and the room might be filled with people your age, it might be filled with senior citizens, it might be filled with children. You behave a little bit differentl­y in each of those rooms, but essentiall­y, you’re the same person.

Q: Have the events of the past couple of years changed the way you do your job?

A: They have, yeah. The subject matter is very different than it used to be. I feel like my job is to comment on the day’s news and the day’s events. For the most part, what people are thinking about and talking about is what’s going on in Washington, what’s coming out of Washington. There’s a lot more focus on that than there used to be. I remember a time when the week leading up to the Super Bowl, almost everything we spoke about was football. Now it’s just part of the show. I always feel like that’s the case.

It is funny: When you think back to when my show first started, I remember there being full days of CNN covering Paris Hilton going in and out of jail. And Martha Stewart being arrested. And of course the Michael Jackson trial, which dominated everything. When that’s what people are talking about, that’s what we comment on. We don’t necessaril­y try to create news. We just give our spin on it. Every day, I’ve got these cable news channels on and I see what’s happening, and it’s something crazy every single day, and there are so many times when I have the monologue completely written and then the president pops on TV, and we have to scrap everything and start over.

Q: The thing is, some of this stuff just isn’t funny. But for you, it has to be. Yet in the current climate, sometimes, it seems as if you have to be especially careful.

A: I know. But, you know, what I try to remind people who sometimes find themselves in this kind of hailstorm of bullets or whatever online, is that people love to be outraged, even if they aren’t. The truth is, the people who aren’t upset about a subject, they don’t say anything. And then the people who are upset — I’m not specifical­ly talking about any subject, I’m just talking about in general — the people who are mad usually represent less than 1 percent of the socialmedi­a population. But it can seem like a lot of people.

So you really have to weigh that, and you really have to be realistic and not let social media or the news dictate the true mood of the country.

Q: Yes, sometimes you can look at your Twitter feed and forget you’re supposed to feel horrible.

A: Really, Twitter has become a series of just terrible little reminders.

Q: How optimistic are you about the country?

A: I go back and forth on a daily basis. I try to keep things in the context of history and think, “I remember being in high school and being very fearful that the Russians were going to kill us with a nuclear bomb.” ... I think maybe it is optimistic to try to remember how fearful I was then, and that didn’t happen, and the world didn’t end, and hopefully we will look back on this as a dark time that we came out of. But it seems like we’re, I don’t know, it feels like we’re in a very dangerous point in American history.

Q: And that also affects how you approach your job?

A: Yeah, it does. It defiit’s

nitely affects how I do my job. I just feel like part of my job is to inject some common sense into the back-and-forth partisan sniping. Maybe anybody who happens to be watching my show will stop and go, “Hey, if somebody was innocent, I don’t think they’d be firing the people who are investigat­ing them (laughs). That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.”

Q: But at some point, don’t you have to acknowledg­e that some people just can’t be reached?

A: Yeah. There was a time where my goal was to stay somewhat neutral so I could reach everybody, and everybody would take what I had to say seriously. But it seems like that day has passed. I don’t like to preach to the choir. I prefer to speak to people as human beings speak to each other. But it’s becoming increasing­ly difficult.

Q: But is that freeing at all?

A: No, it’s not freeing, really. It’s more upsetting than anything. Because, look, I’ll give you an example. I’ve always been a supporter of same-sex marriage. It makes no sense to me that anyone would care whether or not two men or two women got married. I know plenty of couples, and they seem to be good parents and all of those things, etc., etc. So as the former host of “The Man Show” and a guy who did Fox NFL football, I felt that lending my support, in whatever way I chose to lend it, was more powerful than support would be coming from your standard Hollywood actor. My audience kind of has this idea that I’m a regular Joe, and if they hear from a regular Joe that it’s OK, I think they’d be more inclined to think

OK, in the same way that Ellen (DeGeneres) went on TV every day and people fell in love with her and, all of a sudden, people who never had a gay friend had a gay friend who they liked, who they didn’t think of as trying to destroy the fabric of society. I just think those things are effective, and they do change opinions on a large scale.

Q: For lack of a better term, it seems like you have more responsibi­lity than even 18 months ago.

A: Yeah, I do. I feel like more of an adult now. I have two kids in their 20s. I’ve been a parent for a long time. It’s different when you’re also in your 20s. My kids are the age I was when I had them, and I still think of them as kids. I was more like the fun dad. I wasn’t really thinking about the future. I was thinking about trying to pay the rent and maybe take them to Disneyland every once in a while. Now I feel like I have to do whatever I can do to make sure that they have air they can breathe and that they have water that they can drink and all of these things that you would think everybody would support together. And all of a sudden, we’re fighting these battles that we shouldn’t even have to fight, and it’s crazy. I don’t want them to look at me in 30 years and say, “Why didn’t you do anything about this?”

Q: With the added trick that you have to be funny while you’re doing it.

A: Yeah, well, I think it’s like giving a dog a pill. If you wrap it in a piece of bacon, it’s going to go down a little easier.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Jimmy Kimmel returns to host the Academy Awards tonight.
GETTY IMAGES Jimmy Kimmel returns to host the Academy Awards tonight.
 ??  ?? Jimmy Kimmel and wife Molly McNearney with children Jane and William attend an event in Los Angeles in September. GETTY IMAGES FOR L.A. LOVE'S ALE
Jimmy Kimmel and wife Molly McNearney with children Jane and William attend an event in Los Angeles in September. GETTY IMAGES FOR L.A. LOVE'S ALE

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