The Arizona Republic

Baron Cohen reveals the ignorance alive in U.S. culture


E.J. Montini’s excellent discussion about whether Sacha Baron Cohen duped Joe Arpaio misses the point of the series. What is patently obvious is just how gullible and stupid some Americans are and how they are so easily taken in by what they see and hear.

The program explains perfectly how slightly less than a majority of Americans voted for our present president. What is far more revealing are those who are not duped, a politician who espouses socialism, Bernie Sanders; a journalist, Ted Koppel; and a brave Republican supporter who refused adamantly and bravely to accept Cohen’s definition of being a pedophile as meaning “loving” children.

Perhaps there is hope after all. Alan Austin, Phoenix

Letter writer perfectly depicts how Trump won the election

A recent letter writer’s tribute to Donald Trump neatly summarized how he managed to win the electoral vote. He conned people into believing a number of things by tapping into their base fears and biases.

The Iran nuclear deal was open and transparen­t, a process that took a number of years. The “bribe” money paid to Iran was returning money to Iran that the United States government had seized decades prior.

It was returned to Iran when Iran complied with (independen­tly verified) terms of the agreement. Granted, the timing and manner in which the money was returned did warrant interest.

If one believes the Clintons, especially Hillary, are behind the current criminal investigat­ions concerning this administra­tion, one is giving them far more power than the Clintons possess.

No doubt that the Clintons are not choir children, but that does not diminish the abject corruption and incompe- tence of the current administra­tion.

Virtually all the actions of the current administra­tion have done very little, if anything at all to help the majority of us. The actions of the current administra­tion have tremendous­ly benefited the wealthiest of the wealthy at the expense of the very people Trump pledged to help.

He has dramatical­ly diminished the stature of this (once) great nation. Although he blusters about national security, his actions, especially his bromance with Putin, have grievously hurt our security.

His cabinet and judicial nomination­s have espoused and promoted an agenda that severely diminishes the rights, freedom and dignity of certain Americans. And his supporters call these successes?

Trump and his mouthpiece­s love to play the victim and scream “fake news” when there is anything even remotely critical of them presented. Yet, they are the real perpetrato­rs of the majority of “fake news.” Steven L. Klein, Laveen

The people who feel sorry for Arpaio will vote for him in fall

I understand why E.J. Montini thinks Joe Arpaio’s appearance on Sacha Baron Cohen’s show may actually help the former sheriff more than it hurts him. It’s all about sympathy for a man who got duped. However, please don’t count me among those who will feel bad for good old Joe.

The people who will actually feel sympathy for Arpaio are those who would also think it makes sense to debate gun control with a toy donut, then express a willingnes­s to engage in sex acts with Donald Trump, just because the president told them to do so.

All of this is done while an obviously fake Scandinavi­an blogger with orange hair continues to unwrap small toys.

These are your people, Joe. Good luck in the upcoming election. You’ll make a fine senator. John Kloos, Phoenix

 ??  ?? Contact him: You can reach Steve Benson at 602-444-8035 or steve.benson@arizonarep­
Contact him: You can reach Steve Benson at 602-444-8035 or steve.benson@arizonarep­

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