The Arizona Republic

McCain, as statesman, saved his best for last

- Laurie Roberts

He finished strong.

John McCain lived a remarkable life, but I think 2017 will be known as his finest hour.

Much will be written and said over the next few days about the senior senator from Arizona, who died on Saturday.

McCain was the boy who saw himself as Robert Jordan in his favorite book, Ernest Hemingway’s “For Whom The Bell Tolls.” It’s the story of an American who hides out in caves during the Spanish Civil War and wages guerrilla war against the fascists, an honorable man willing to sacrifice himself for a cause greater than himself.

“Robert Jordan,” McCain once said, “was everything I ever wanted to be.”

McCain was the son and grandson of admirals, a Navy pilot who went to war and became a prisoner of that war, enduring five and a half years of torture, keeping the faith with fellow prisoners by refusing an offer to go free.

He was the maverick who went to Washington and engaged in a different sort of battle, armed with a fiery temper and an unfailing love of country.

McCain had his flaws and contradict­ions, as humans always do.

He was a champion for veterans yet the VA scandal blew up under his own nose in Arizona.

He pushed for comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform yet when faced with a tough re-election fight, parroted the party line, vowing to just “complete the danged fence.”

And yeah, Sarah Palin.

The senate was at times malleable, just another member of the herd.

But in his final year, he earned his last, best title: statesman. As he battled brain cancer, McCain decided to perform one last service for the country he loved.

He called on his colleagues “to ignore the implacable partisans on either side” and work together.

“Stop listening to the bombastic loud mouths on the radio and on television and on the internet,” he said in July 2017, just days after getting his devastatin­g diagnosis. “To hell with them. They don’t want anything done for the public good. Our incapaciti­es are their livelihood.”

He called on us to remember who we are.

“We live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil,” he said in October, a reference to a Nazi slogan chanted by white supremacis­ts in Charlottes­ville. “We are the custodians of those ideals at home, and their champion abroad. … We have a moral obligation to continue in our just cause, and we would bring more than shame on ourselves if we don’t.”

And in showing us how to die, he showed us how to live.

McCain lived every day of what remained of his life as if it was a precious

gift from God.

“You’ve got to have joy,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper last September.

I imagine McCain, at the end of his life, rememberin­g the fictional hero he revered throughout his life. In the book, toward the end, Jordan knows that he will die. “The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it,” he says.

Likewise, McCain hated very much to leave it but he did so with grace, fighting to the end for the land he loved.

“It’s a beautiful phrase when you think about it,” McCain once said, referring to Jordan’s words. “To me, it means everything: Maximize your time. Care about the world, not just yourself. And accept your fate.”

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