The Arizona Republic

Twitter, Facebook brace for tougher scrutiny

Lawmakers want them to be more accountabl­e

- Jessica Guynn

Lawmakers are raising the prospect of possible oversight of social-media companies as they questioned executives of internet platforms Twitter and Facebook about combating miscreants.

Lawmakers raised the prospect of greater scrutiny of social media companies, ushering in a new era of accountabi­lity for the nation’s powerful internet platforms.

During hearings on Capitol Hill, Senate and House Republican­s and Democrats applauded efforts by Facebook and Twitter to root out foreign election meddling. But they warned that regulation may loom for social media companies, which are largely unfettered by the rules that govern other large consumer companies.

Pressure increased on Silicon Valley – and on Facebook in particular – after damaging revelation­s about Russianbac­ked influence operations and the Cambridge Analytica data collection scandal. Executives have signed off on the Honest Ads Act, which would mandate more transparen­cy about who runs political ads on social media services.

Facebook and Twitter are gearing up to influence what kind of regulation gets enacted as they face threats from Washington to weaken a law, known as Section 230 of the Communicat­ions Decency Act, that shields internet companies for the content that people put on their platforms.

“We don’t think it’s a question of whether regulation,” Facebook’s chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg testified during a congressio­nal hearing. “We think it’s a question of the right regulation.”

During Wednesday’s hearing before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee on foreign election interferen­ce that ran more than 2 1⁄2 hours, lawmakers ques-

tioned Twitter’s chief executive Jack Dorsey and Sandberg over their companies’ efforts to disrupt foreign influence campaigns and the spread of disinforma­tion on their platforms. They warned companies’ efforts were falling short ahead of November’s midterm elections as social media users continue to be targeted by foreign actors seeking to exacerbate political divisions in the U.S.

“Congress is going to have to take action here,” Sen. Mark Warner, a Democrat from Virginia, warned. “The era of the Wild West in social media is coming to an end. Where we go from here is an open question.”

He added: “The size and reach of your platforms demand that we, as policy makers, do our job, to ensure proper oversight, transparen­cy and protection­s for American users and for our democratic institutio­ns.”

“If the answer is regulation, let’s have an honest dialogue about what that looks like,” said Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., chairman of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee.

Most alarming to the tech industry is any discussion of further weakening Section 230 protection­s. Georgetown University’s Larry Downes, project director of the Center for Business and Public Policy, who specialize­s in regulation, internet and technology policy, calls such a move by Washington “the scorched earth approach.”

“Removing more of the platforms’ immunity from liability for illegal third-party content including fraud and libel would result in drastic reductions in the kinds of content companies would be able to host, notably social networks. It might, as in Europe, make such services effectivel­y impossible,” Downes said.

Within minutes of the Senate hearing wrapping up, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced he would meet with several state attorneys general to discuss whether social media companies are “intentiona­lly stifling” free speech and obstructin­g competitio­n. The remarks escalate recent charges of anti-conservati­ve bias by President Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers.

 ??  ?? Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook says she wants “the right regulation.” JACK GRUBER/USA TODAY
Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook says she wants “the right regulation.” JACK GRUBER/USA TODAY

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