The Arizona Republic

A lot of people with pets are just scamming the ADA system

- Jeff Lewis, Mesa Arizona Republic Mervyn Tvinnereim, Sun City West Earl Barrett, Phoenix Henry Richards, Scottsdale

I am a quadruple amputee and have a service dog.

She does countless things for me but the only emotional support she gives me is when she is off duty acting as our family pet.

She has traveled thousands of miles with us, mostly by plane, always curled up at my feet.

She is trained to behave and we are aware that we would have to remove her otherwise.

Lately, there has been a lot of people abusing the Americans with Disabiliti­es Act service-pet rule by claiming their peacock, cat, puppy, snake, gerbil, etc. as their emotional-support animal.

Because off these cheaters, people who actually need their service pets face needles questions and delays from the TSA (Transporta­tion Security Administra­tion).

Please, just use common sense before you try to scam the system.

Don’t fly it, fax it ... and enjoy fringe benefit of a cup of coffee

According the Q&A in Wednesday’s regarding the senate transition from John McCain to Jon Kyl, “(Gov. Doug) Ducey will submit a certificat­e of appointmen­t to the secretary of the Senate on Tuesday. An aide is flying the paperwork to Washington, D.C., and will hand-deliver it to the secretary’s office.”

In the interest of saving the taxpayers of Arizona some money, I would like to suggest that the governor fax or overnight the paperwork.

It is much faster and cheaper and it would free up the aide to do something more useful like making the governor’s coffee or tidying up around his office. to

The Arizona School Personnel Administra­tors Associatio­n surveyed schools around the state and found that this year, more than 1,500 teaching positions remain vacant, while nearly half of teaching positions are filled by teachers who don’t hold state certificat­ions.

Creating even more chaos, approximat­ely a quarter of the teaching positions remain unfilled a few weeks into the school year driven by 463 teachers who never showed up or abandoned their jobs by Aug. 31.

When people ask me how much money is enough to deal with this problem, I have a simple response: We will

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❚ know how much when there are more applicants with teaching certificat­es than there are jobs to fill.

Even better if the applicants hold an advanced degree, because that would put us on equal footing with Finland. Of course this also implies that the schools all have needed supplies and are well maintained.

One can only hope November elections send a signal that these are the voters priorities as well.

We are citizens of this country and we are not illegal in any way

We Hispanics are madder than hell at the media constantly associatin­g us with illegal immigrants. My mother and father were legal immigrants from Mexico and my mother got her American citizenshi­p before she died.

We are not illegal.

The press is very insensitiv­e constantly referring to immigrants when they mean illegal immigrants.

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