The Arizona Republic

No, Trump isn’t to blame for the shooting at synagogue


Some 20 million to 30 million lawabiding Americans own so-called “assault rifles.”

An infinitesi­mal percentage of “assault rifle” owners commit these horrific shootings. These shooters are mentally ill. A gun permit can not determine the mental state of a gun-owner.

Listening to President Trump at a rally does not make a person go out and kill people, just as listening to a TV preacher does not make some one holy.

“Guns do not kill people, people kill people” is still a logical argument, as it has always been. That is if someone is reasonable.

Sadly, as we saw in the Kavanaugh confirmati­on fiasco, many people are not open to reason (the accused is innocent until proven guilty) anymore.

Mob rule rules the day. Leon Ceniceros, Mesa

Here’s a word of advice for Clinton: Rest on your laurels

Hillary Clinton has been dropping subtle hints that she might run for president in 2020.

I can’t think of anything that would make President Trump happier. Despite being the overwhelmi­ng favorite for the Democratic nomination in 2008 and presidenti­al election in 2016, Ms. Clinton managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory both times.

Her campaign in 2016 was listless, suffered from a lack of a clear platform and managed to alienate almost half the voters by describing them as “deplorable­s.”

She spent much of her time dodging reporters to avoid answering embarrassi­ng questions regarding falsehoods about emails.

It’s obvious that Hillary Clinton lacks the political skills of her husband and comes off as selfish, greedy and power hungry. Her health was an issue two years ago and would be more of an issue in 2020.

Hillary Clinton would be wise to leave well enough alone and rest on her laurels. Robert Sussman, Paradise Valley

The president is right: There is no shortage of fake news nowadays

Donald Trump is correct. There is a lot of fake news floating around out there. Here’s a few recent examples:

❚ ISIS fighters are in the caravan of Central American refugees crossing Mexico.

❚ Democrats have financed the caravan of Central American refugees.

❚ Democrat leaders actually sent the pipe bombs to generate sympathy and votes for their candidates in the midterm election.

❚ Congress is going to pass another tax cut of 10 percent for middle class earners by Election Day.

❚ The tax cut that passed early in 2018 was the largest in history.

❚ Trump received the largest number of electoral votes, ever.

❚ Trump’s inaugurati­on crowd was the largest in history.

❚ Trump t won’t have time for golf because he’ll be working so hard.

Gosh, maybe there is something to this fake-news issue. Edward Murphy, Mesa

Now comes your patriotic moment to do your duty and cast your vote

When you think about our Founding Fathers, know that they were a product of the Age of Reason. Words mattered to them. When writing the Constituti­on they were adamant that they dot every “i” and cross every “t.”

These men left nothing to chance and produced one of the most enduring documents in the world, the Constituti­on.

Some 231 years have passed since it was signed. That is why it is so important to honor our Founding Fathers and vote in these midterms.

Send a message to Washington that words do matter. We are tired of lies, shallow, empty words and especially the hate-filled words coming out of the White House.

We have a Constituti­on that set up three distinct branches of government. It’s time for Congress to stand up, for the judicial branch to exercise independen­ce and for the president to treat his high office with respect. Bernadette Bolognini, Glendale

Most persecuted and most enduring people in history

Three words regarding Phil Boas’s piece “Do as the Jews have always done.” He gets it! Randi Jablin, Scottsdale

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