The Arizona Republic

Sessions’ firing shows how Trump views loyalty

- Jonah Goldberg Columnist Jonah Goldberg is a columnist with Tribune Content Agency.

The day after the midterm elections, President Donald Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions, replacing him at least temporaril­y with a more pliable loyalist. When Sessions got the news on Wednesday, he asked whether he could finish the week. Nope. Close of business today was the answer.

Now, as a matter of law, Sessions wasn’t fired. The president asked him for his resignatio­n and Sessions agreed. That matters, because if Sessions had made Trump fire him, some restrictio­ns would kick in that might make killing the Mueller investigat­ion more difficult, if the president ends up going that way. In other words, Sessions’ last official act as attorney general was one more act of unrequited loyalty to the boss.

Trump talks a lot about loyalty. He says it’s very important to him. A few months ago, he suggested it should be against the law for people facing criminal charges to “flip” on their bosses. This was in the context of his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, reportedly considerin­g doing exactly that.

In Trump’s best-selling book “The Art of the Deal,” there’s a fascinatin­g passage about his mentor, infamous lawyer/fixer Roy Cohn.

“He was a truly loyal guy,” Trump wrote. “Just compare that with all the hundreds of ‘respectabl­e’ guys who make careers out of boasting about their uncompromi­sing integrity but have absolutely no loyalty . ... Roy was the sort of guy who’d be there at your hospital bed long after everyone else had bailed out, literally standing by you to the death.”

But it was a one-way street. When Cohn contracted AIDS, “Donald found out about it and just dropped him like a hot potato,” Susan Bell, Cohn’s longtime secretary, told Politico.

Trump literally and figurative­ly wouldn’t stand by the man who would’ve stood by him.

Sessions was the first senator to endorse Trump, at a time when doing so was still a political risk. He campaigned for Trump. He defended Trump’s most controvers­ial statements — about immigratio­n, about Hillary Clinton, etc. A longtime advocate of restrictio­nist immigratio­n policies, aggressive law enforcemen­t and the drug war, Sessions saw in Trump a real opportunit­y to get his preferred agenda implemente­d.

And, as attorney general, Sessions more than any other Cabinet secretary put policy meat on the bones of Trump’s rhetoric.

But none of that mattered, because Sessions, a former U.S. attorney and Alabama attorney general, believed he needed to recuse himself from the Mueller probe into allegation­s that Trump “colluded” with Russia. According to various reports, Sessions believed he not only had a legal and ethical obligation to do so, but also believed his recusal would be politicall­y beneficial to the president because it would protect the integrity of the investigat­ion.

Trump saw it differentl­y. He believed that the first loyalty of the attorney general should be to Trump personally.

This view was shared by Trump’s most reliable loyalists, many of whom claim to be passionate­ly committed to the “Trump agenda.” But whenever that claim is put to the test, they reveal they are more committed to Trump himself. Jeanine Pirro of Fox News railed against Sessions, calling him a “shill” and hectoring him to “resign immediatel­y” or “put on his big-boy pants.”

This is all one piece of the broader tapestry of what Trumpism always boils down to when put to the test: a cult of personalit­y. Support of the man is more important than support of anything else, including Trump’s own agenda. I disagree with Sessions on quite a few things, but the notion that he isn’t a conservati­ve is silly. More importantl­y, the idea that he’s not a conservati­ve simply because he wouldn’t display blind loyalty to the president is grotesquel­y unconserva­tive.

Sessions resigned from the Senate to become attorney general because he thought he could accomplish important things. Trump had him fired because at the end of the day, the only truly important thing in Trump world is Trump.

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