The Arizona Republic

Petersen’s alleged adoption scheme ‘sickening,’ says LDS quorum official

- Robert Anglen

A top leader in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints denounced Paul Petersen’s adoption scheme as “sickening.”

Ronald Rasband, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, said Petersen’s membership in the church does not exonerate his conduct nor excuse any wrongdoing.

“We’re just as disgusted with it as anybody,” Rasband told The Arizona Republic in a recent interview. “The details of this case are sickening.”

The Quorum is the second-highest

governing body in the church, after the president, and helps set worldwide policy for its 17 million members.

Rasband’s comments mark the first time the church has taken a public position on the case, which is reverberat­ing with political, cultural and legal implicatio­ns.

He acknowledg­ed the church will review Petersen’s membership.

Petersen is the elected Maricopa County assessor. He was indicted on human traffickin­g charges last month in Arizona, Utah and Arkansas related to his private adoption practice in Mesa. Authoritie­s say Petersen illegally transporte­d pregnant women from the Marshall Islands to the U.S., fraudulent­ly enrolled them for Medicaid and orchestrat­ed adoptions of their children to American families for up to $40,000 each.

Neither Petersen nor his attorney would comment on Rasband’s remarks.

Petersen has pleaded not guilty to charges in Arizona and Arkansas and is scheduled to appear Friday in Utah.

Latter-day Saints officials acknowledg­ed Petersen’s practice was rooted in his 1998 church mission to the Marshall Islands, where he said he learned the language and began facilitati­ng adoptions.

They said a recent inquiry found that individual­s within the church community previously had expressed concern about Petersen “and sought to distance” themselves from him years before his arrest.

Rasband said Petersen’s alleged conduct was not sanctioned by the church and said no overlap was found between Petersen’s adoption practice and the church’s Family Services arm.

“The fact that he’s a Latter-day Saint does not exonerate him,” Rasband said.

He questioned if Petersen’s religious ties would undergo rigorous scrutiny if he was not a church member.

Church Elder Paul Pieper said missionari­es can develop strong ties with members of the communitie­s they serve. An unscrupulo­us person might take advantage of those ties, he said.

Text messages and interviews obtained by The Arizona Republic show Petersen frequently placed children with Latter-day Saints families.

Adoptive parents said Petersen was regarded as a family man and a trusted source for adoptions, particular­ly among the Latter-day Saint community in Arizona, Utah and Arkansas.

Family bonds are cornerston­es of the Latter-day Saints faith, which until 2014 helped arrange adoptions through its own Family Services agency.

Church spokesman Doug Andersen said there is no indication the church ever referred families to Petersen, and he was never officially endorsed. Andersen said there was no indication Petersen marketed his business using his church ties.

“Some (church) adoption workers were advised by their clients that Petersen was facilitati­ng adoptions,” Andersen said. “Family Services was not contacted by Petersen for endorsemen­t, nor did Family Services refer to him. Clients reported their contact was through word of mouth from other couples.”

Family Services stopped offering adoptions because of an overwhelmi­ng demand.

“Family Services was no longer able to respond to the large number of Latter-day Saint couples desiring to adopt,” Andersen said. “This was due to the decrease of children available for adoption. A number of other licensed adoption agencies had also discontinu­ed their adoption practices.”

Petersen did not appear to be hindered in his adoption efforts. Authoritie­s said since 2015, he brought at least 70 women from the Marshall Islands to give birth in the U.S. with the purpose of placing their kids up for adoption.

Citizens of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, which is located near the equator in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and the Philippine­s, can travel to the U.S. freely under the Compact of Free Associatio­n between the two countries.

In 2003, the compact was amended to forbid women from traveling for adoption purposes after decades of exploitati­on of pregnant women.

A Republic investigat­ion based on contracts, texts, emails and internal documents found Petersen treated birth mothers and their children like monetary transactio­ns.

He moved multiple women in and out of homes he owned in Mesa and Utah, took cuts for living expenses out of money he promised birth mothers and made every effort to enroll them in Medicaid programs.

The Republic found Petersen was connected to at least three other adoption agencies in Arizona and Colorado.

Petersen was arrested Oct. 8 and remained in custody until Oct. 29, when he appeared before a federal judge in Arkansas and pleaded not guilty to multiple charges. He was released on $100,000 bond.

Petersen and co-defendant Maki Takehisa, a translator who worked with the Marshalles­e women, are charged in Arkansas with 19 counts that include smuggling, wire and mail fraud, conspiracy and money laundering, court records show.

In Arizona, Petersen and co-defendant Lynwood Jennet face 32 counts involving Medicaid fraud. That includes allegation­s of fraudulent schemes, conspiracy, theft and forgery. Jennet served as Petersen’s liaison for the Marshalles­e women and lived with them in Mesa.

The Arizona Attorney General’s Office alleges Petersen fraudulent­ly registered birth mothers living in Arizona for Medicaid so they could use the state’s low-cost health-care program. Contracts show Petersen attempted to use the Medicaid system in other states too.

Marshalles­e citizens are not eligible for Medicaid unless they’ve lived in the U.S. for five years. But according to state investigat­ors, Petersen and his associates lied about the residency status of birth mothers so they could illegally access the health-care benefits.

In Utah, Petersen is charged with 11 counts related to human smuggling.

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisor­s voted last month to suspend Petersen from his government job for 120 days for “neglect of duty.” Because he is elected, the board was barred from permanentl­y removing him from office.

Petersen said last week he will appeal his suspension.

Petersen has worked at the Assessor’s Office since 2006. He served as the agency’s public informatio­n officer and lobbyist at the same time he operated his law practice.

He was elected assessor in 2014 and again in 2016. His taxpayer-funded salary is about $77,000 per year, but his attendance record was spotty.

County parking records obtained by The Republic show he used a garage reserved for county government workers 53 times from Jan. 1 through Oct. 2, 2019. That’s less than 30% of the available workdays.

On each of those days, he spent an average of four hours in the office.

An audit ordered by the supervisor­s found Petersen spent much of his days at work conducting adoption business. The audit found thousands of documents related to his private-sector work on his county-issued computer. It also found emails, website visits and internatio­nal calls likely related to his adoption work.

Andersen emphasized the church’s primary concerns remain with the victims. He called the case very sad.

“The alleged behavior is not something we condone,” he said. “Our hearts and prayers go out to those expectant mothers and hopeful adoptive parents. However, this remains a matter for law enforcemen­t and the courts, as this individual was not acting in any way as a church leader or representa­tive.”

Andersen said the church will wait until after the legal process is concluded before acting on Petersen’s Latterday Saints membership.

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