The Arizona Republic

Republic partnershi­p named finalist for prestigiou­s prize

- Craig Harris

The Arizona Republic, in a collaborat­ion with three news organizati­ons, is a finalist for the 2020 Goldsmith Prize for Investigat­ive Reporting, one of journalism’s most prestigiou­s honors.

The series “Copy. Paste. Legislate” in cooperatio­n with USA TODAY and the Center for Public Integrity is one of six finalists for the prize. The winner will be announced at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government on March 12.

The Republic’s Rob O’Dell, an investigat­ive and data reporter, and investigat­ions editor Michael Squires helped spearhead the project, which constitute­d the first attempt to document the extent of special interests’ control over legislatio­n nationwide.

The project’s data allowed reporters to show how powerful a tool “model legislatio­n” has become, giving them control over the language used to write state laws.

It uncovered the most frequently copied model bills and how special interests have lobbied to spread them from state to state.

“There are few things more important for journalism to monitor than government, and there are few things we fear more than our government being secretly manipulate­d,” said Greg Burton, executive editor of The Republic. “With overwhelmi­ng evidence and painstakin­g data analysis, that is exactly what these reporters revealed.”

Journalist­s from the three organizati­ons looked for legislatio­n written by special interests and found it in all 50 states. They showed that when legislator­s propose new laws, they don’t always write the bills themselves. Corporatio­ns, interest groups or their lobbyists often write fill-in-the-blank documents and then offer them to state lawmakers.

Squires, a key editor on The Republic team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for reporting on President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall, launched the idea after attending a 2016 Investigat­ive Reporters and Editors conference.

A USA TODAY Network team of developers, data reporters, IT specialist­s and other reporters was establishe­d to build a computer-analysis system based on Squires’ idea.

O’Dell refined a computer algorithm that ran nonstop for months on the equivalent of 150 computers. That process revealed when special-interest language was copied into proposed legislatio­n or bills that were signed into law.

Separately, Center for Public Integrity reporters in 2016 had written stories uncovering model legislatio­n sponsored by players such as the American Legislativ­e Exchange Council (ALEC), tobacco companies and the pharmaceut­ical lobby. The center was also building a database to analyze similariti­es in legislatio­n nationwide.

The Republic and USA TODAY joined efforts with the Center for Public Integrity in 2019 to deliver a stronger investigat­ion and reach a wider audience.

Beyond its findings about the extent of copycat legislatio­n, the series revealed how such bills allow car dealers to avoid consequenc­es for deadly car defects, how so-called “heartbeat” antiaborti­on laws emerged from a 10-year campaign to craft the wording, and how bills that claim to target terrorist groups continue to be passed even when they don’t have any effect.

The annual Goldsmith Prize for Investigat­ive Reporting honors investigat­ive reporting that best promotes more effective and ethical conduct of government, the making of public policy or the practice of politics. Each finalist or finalist team is awarded $10,000. The top prize is $25,000.

The program is run by the Shorenstei­n Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, which is dedicated to “exploring and illuminati­ng the intersecti­on of press, politics and public policy.” Support local journalism. Subscribe to today.

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