The Arizona Republic

Crowds at bar spark concerns

Ducey calls packed CASA Tempe an ‘outlier’

- Paulina Pineda, Rachel Leingang and Tina Giuliano ELI IMADALI/THE REPUBLIC

Gov. Doug Ducey said a crowded Tempe bar that appeared to disregard social distancing guidelines on Monday was an “outlier” and he appreciate­d the “lighter touch” police used to educate the business and its patrons.

While Ducey applauded the approach by Tempe police, the city of Tempe issued an emergency proclamati­on that will require the city’s businesses to detail the measures they are taking to follow guidelines that ensure safe distancing for patrons.

Hours after the governor spoke on Tuesday, groups of people were drinking signature 32-ounce buckets of booze at CASA Tempe and cheering across the street at Fat Tuesday on Mill Avenue.

Ducey was asked about CASA Tempe, a bar and restaurant with a two-story patio on Mill Avenue, after a photo posted online at and on the front page of Tuesday’s The Arizona Republic showed dozens of people waiting in line outside the jam-packed patio area. Photos and videos posted to social media by patrons inside the bar showed visitors holding the bar’s signature 32ounce buckets of alcohol, dancing and celebratin­g a return to normal on Monday when restaurant­s were allowed to open their dining rooms.

The photos sparked some consternat­ion online from Tempe residents who questioned whether it was safe for so many people to be at the facility at one time.

At a news conference on Tuesday, Ducey was asked what measures police and other agencies were taking to ensure that businesses followed proper protocol.

Guidelines from the Governor’s Office for restaurant­s that are reopening say that they should maintain physical distancing, including limiting parties to no more than 10. They also call for reduced occupancy and capacity, limiting areas where people could congregate, putting sanitation protocols in place, continuing to provide delivery and curbside options and screening employees for symptoms before their shifts start. Lines outside restaurant­s should follow physical distancing guidelines.

It is not clear who is enforcing these guidelines.

Ducey said twice that “they” are enforcing the rules, but it was not clear who “they” are, and he did not respond to follow-up questions to clarify. People can reach out to “the authoritie­s” if they are concerned about a business not following the rules, he said.

Tempe police responded to the bar twice after receiving complaints but didn’t issue a citation, according to the city.

Ducey thanked Tempe police for seeking to educate people who were at the bar instead of taking more punitive measures.

“This did not meet my expectatio­ns for what it looks like to reopen safely and responsibl­y.” Mark Mitchell Tempe mayor

“I’m grateful to them that they have taken the posture of having a lighter touch, of educating and communicat­ing with people, and what they’ve told me is that most people respond, most people listen,” Ducey said.

As a result of the incident, on Tuesday, Mayor Mark Mitchell issued an emergency proclamati­on requiring that certain businesses document their reopening procedures, and the city said it didn’t “condone business activities that do not align with Governor Doug Ducey’s coronaviru­s-related executive orders.”

“This did not meet my expectatio­ns for what it looks like to reopen safely and responsibl­y,” Mitchell said.

Ducey chided the members of the media for focusing on an outlier, where people were not following guidelines, instead of the many places throughout the state that were following the rules.

He noted that the incident was in a “college town on the day of virtual graduation.” Tempe police resolved the issue “without incident,” he said.

“If we were going to celebrate today, we should celebrate all the responsibl­e business owners who did a fantastic job last night, with a real care for their employees and their customers,” Ducey said.

“If anybody’s upset with the outliers, and there’s always outliers and they always seem to be the focus of settings like this, it’s the responsibl­e business owners that are not only allowing us to return safer and stronger, they’ve been smarter about it.”

He said “positive peer pressure,” where neighbors remind one another to follow proper social distancing practices, can help enforce guidelines going forward.

“I will tell you there’s a lot of folks that said to the people that were making bad decisions that you’re being irresponsi­ble, you’re not being smart, you’re being selfish,” Ducey said. “And by and large, Arizonans have been smart, and they’ve been selfless, and that’s the spirit we have in this state.”

Ducey said he saw many restaurant owners and service workers across the state who went above and beyond to make sure their customers were able to dine safely.

Several calls to CASA Tempe and to its takeout line went unanswered Tuesday. A woman listed as the statutory agent of the limited liability corporatio­n that runs CASA Tempe and the neighborin­g Sunbar Tempe declined to comment.

Tempe ordered bars and restaurant dining rooms to close March 19.

Mitchell signed a proclamati­on on May 8 that aligned the city’s order with Ducey’s order on restaurant reopenings. The mayor’s proclamati­on recommends that patrons wear face coverings, in addition to following social distancing measures.

The bar appeared to be following few of those recommenda­tions, according to a statement from Tempe.

“Before and apparently after police interactio­ns last night, according to photos and videos, the establishm­ent did not appear to be maintainin­g physical distancing guidelines,” the city said.

The city said if police respond to CASA again over similar concerns, the business will be cited. A violation of the governor’s order or the mayor’s proclamati­on is a misdemeano­r.

“The Governor has made it clear that establishm­ents are subject to enforcemen­t actions by police, which may result in jeopardizi­ng their liquor licenses if they fail to follow his Executive Orders,” the Tempe proclamati­on said.

“Tempe expects all businesses to take the responsibi­lity to adhere to the guidelines published by the Governor’s Office to protect their patrons and employees — even if those patrons and employees do not agree with the need for protection.”

Tempe businesses that file security plans with the city, such as restaurant­s and bars, will be required to document how they’re adhering to local and state reopening guidelines. Businesses will be required to provide a copy of the document if police officers arrive with concerns about their operations.

Normally, on the nights after Arizona State University’s graduation ceremonies, Mill Avenue’s bars and restaurant­s would be packed. But the area only saw pockets of life on Tuesday, with small groups in CASA Tempe and Fat Tuesday.

 ??  ?? Customers line up outside the downtown Tempe bar CASA to enter on Wednesday.
Customers line up outside the downtown Tempe bar CASA to enter on Wednesday.

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