The Arizona Republic

You don’t have to love scorpions, but don’t bash them

- The Best of Clay Thompson

From July 26, 2006: As recent arrivals from Ohio, we are amazed by the myriad stinging creatures that inhabit this prehistori­c land. Chief among these are the scorpions. While we are content to leave most creatures in peace, we will happily bash any and all scorpions with a rock. This is because one stung our beloved and charming dog. Also, one stung my mom. Our questions are these: How do scorpions get through the trap to emerge in our sinks? What is the best way to keep these critters out of our house?

Prehistori­c? Well, I guess you could say parts of Arizona are prehistori­c. The Legislatur­e, for instance. Scorpions have been around awhile too: about 300 million years.

First, don’t go around bashing them with rocks. I guess if you find them in the house or the yard you can bash them, but if you’re out hiking, leave them be. Keep your dog on a leash when you’re hiking. What you do about your mom when you’re hiking is up to you.

OK, scorpions in the sink. I suppose it is possible, but I really doubt if the scorpions are swimming through the trap and up into your sink. They’re in your sink because they’re looking for water, but it is extremely unlikely they got there by swimming.

Check the exterior of your house where pipes or wiring conduits come in and plug up any gaps around those spots. Use that foam stuff. Be sure your doors and windows are all tight and weatherstr­ip them if they’re not.

Don’t leave wet towels out by the pool. Clean up woodpiles and junky spots like that.

Inside, remember to check your shoes before you put them on and shake out the towels in your bathroom.

The one you need to worry about is the bark scorpion, and you can tell it from the others because it is the only one that can climb a vertical surface.

Scorpions are tough. I just read about a scorpion that lived for 15 months encased in a plaster cast of a dinosaur bone. They cracked the plaster and out popped the scorpion, good as new.

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