The Arizona Republic

Take down Confederat­e monuments now

- Elvia Díaz process”? “public process” Reach columnist at 602-444-8606 or elvia.diaz@arizonarep­ Follow her on Twitter, @elviadiaz1.

Just move the damn Confederat­e monument, Gov. Doug Ducey. Not doing so is sanctionin­g the white supremacy it symbolizes.

There is nothing that justifies keeping a monument honoring Confederat­e soldiers at the Arizona State Capitol. Unless, of course, the Republican governor really wants to keep honoring and glorifying the brutal history of slavery.

If that’s the case, then Ducey should just say it instead of cowering behind statements like there is a “public process” to be had.

A“public In the 21st century? I’ll remind you of the public process that you apparently have missed, governor.

It’s been playing out since the first Africans were brought to the continent in 1619 to be sold as slaves.

It’s been playing out since the 18611865 Civil War that cost nearly 620,000 lives over slavery.

The Confederat­es slavery lost, Governor.

But they just couldn’t let former slaves really be free and prosper. They embarked on Jim Crow laws and codes to keep them segregated and subjugated.



It took another 100 years to revolt against Black segregatio­n, lynching and all sorts of other injustices. The 1960s civil rights movement remains an important milestone moving toward racial equality.

But some descendant­s such as the United Daughters of the Confederac­y that built the monument near the state Capitol, want to keep honoring and glorifying the brutality of slavery.

Those stirring the current social unrest aren’t asking Ducey and other officials across the nation to consider removing those symbols of racial hatred and oppression.

They’re demanding it. Ducey and leaders across America must see to it.

The monuments will go sooner or later and whether Ducey and others like it or not.

There is no place for them anymore. And there is definitely no patience for a “public process” that hasn’t worked for Black people since America’s birth.

Critics say the “radical left” just wants to erase U.S. history. Believe me, it’ll take a lot more than ridding Confederat­e monuments to erase America’s brutal slavery legacy.

That history must be taught in classrooms so that it never happens again. But who truly needs a to deliberate whether we continue to glorify and honor the institutio­n of slavery?

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