The Arizona Republic

GOP candidates weigh pros, cons of connection to Trump

- Alan Fram and Jonathan Lemire AP |

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump is hitting the road again. And while a campaign event with a president who draws TV cameras and raucous crowds can be gold for down-ballot candidates, these days its value can be debatable.

Republican Sen. Thom Tillis, facing a competitiv­e North Carolina reelection contest, “is looking forward to campaignin­g” with Trump, Tillis’ spokespers­on said. GOP Sen. Steve Daines tweeted, “Montana can’t wait to have you back, Mr. President!” after Trump promised to help him battle a strong Democratic challenger.

Yet a spokespers­on said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, in the reelection fight of her life in a state Trump lost narrowly in 2016, “was at work in Washington” recently as Trump visited Maine to open a marine conservati­on area to commercial fishing. The Senate wasn’t in session that day.

And while GOP Senate candidate John James appeared with Trump in May in Michigan, where polls have trended against the president, James demurred when asked about his 2017 comment that he backs Trump “2,000%.” James said he supports Trump, adding, “I’m looking forward to running my own race, being my own man.”

Trump is the GOP’s unrivaled beast, commanding the unswerving fealty of nearly all its voters. While some Republican candidates yanked their support late in his 2016 campaign after a decadeold video showed him boasting about groping women, he’s since proved that crossing him can be politicall­y fatal.

Yet Trump’s divisive law-and-order response to protests against police killings of African Americans, the untamed coronaviru­s pandemic and the worst economy in decades have wounded him. His job approval rating dipped to a dangerousl­y low 39% in the latest Gallup poll.

That’s jeopardize­d his November reelection, endangered the GOP’s Senate control and made a Republican House takeover highly unlikely. It’s also left nervous Republican­s debating whether congressio­nal candidates in tight races should link hands with him or create distance.

For most, there’s little question that homage to Trump is smartest. Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, seeking reelection in states Trump will likely carry, have no incentive to rebel.

Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., is also not straying. “Bring it on,” Perdue spokespers­on Casey Black said of any efforts to attack his closeness with Trump.

Distancing from Trump would be “a stupid strategy,” said GOP pollster Neil Newhouse. “If the base sees you’re turning your back on the president, they will cut you off.”

Others Republican­s face tougher choices. Tillis, Collins, and Sens. Cory Gardner in Colorado and Martha McSally in Arizona are from states Trump could well lose.

Republican candidates are “hostages,” said Trump critic Tim Miller, an aide to past GOP presidenti­al contenders including Jeb Bush. But he said Trump’s recent problems, like retweeting a false conspiracy theory about an elderly Buffalo, New York, protester shoved to the ground by police, offer an opening.

“I’m not asking them to become Twitter trolls,” Miller said. “But I don’t see why they don’t take opportunit­ies to put a little distance between themselves and the president.”

Trump has pushed his Capitol Hill allies to keep rank-and-file Republican­s in line and vowed to retaliate against defectors, said three White House and campaign officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to publicly discuss private conversati­ons.

White House aides bridled when Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a Trump ally, tweeted support for Gen. Mark Milley. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said he’d made a “mistake” by participat­ing as the president was photograph­ed holding a Bible outside a church after peaceful demonstrat­ors were forcibly cleared away.

After GOP Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska criticized

Trump’s tweet about the manhandled Buffalo demonstrat­or, he unleashed his wrath at them on Twitter. Neither is up for reelection this year.

Colorado’s Gardner and Sen. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, both in tough races, were among Republican­s who didn’t answer reporters’ questions about Trump’s tweet.

“Anyone who wants to win in November should be running with the president,” said Trump campaign spokespers­on Erin Perrine.

As Trump prods the country to a partial reopening from coronaviru­s restrictio­ns, he’s announced live rallies in Oklahoma, Florida, Texas, Arizona and North Carolina.

The White House will watch whether candidates attend and look for other signs of discontent, such as coded distancing in ads saying they’ll stand up to both parties.

No one expects Republican­s to break drasticall­y with Trump because of the price they’d pay with the party faithful. But some may feel freer to strike contrasts with him once they clear primaries, which Trump voters dominate. More candidates could stray if polling shows his prospects are bleak as Election Day nears.

With swelling public sympathy for the Black Lives Matter movement, some Republican­s have opposed Trump’s refusal to remove Confederat­e leaders’ names from military bases. And some are preparing legislatio­n changing policing practices, despite uncertaint­y over his support.

Arizona’s McSally has appeared with Trump often and shown no signs of distancing from him. Instead, she’s focused on accusing her Democratic challenger Mark Kelly, the former astronaut, of being soft on China, whom she blames for the pandemic.

It’s battlegrou­nd candidates like McSally whose tactics about handling Trump prompt debate within the GOP.

He’s caused “heartburn” for Republican­s, “but that doesn’t change his political control over the party,” said Scott Jennings, a GOP consultant.

Countered former Virginia Rep. Tom Davis, another Republican tactician, “Show some independen­ce. It’s OK to do that without dissing the president.”

 ??  ?? Republican Sen. Thom Tillis, in a competitiv­e North Carolina reelection race, “is looking forward to campaignin­g” with the president, a spokespers­on said.
Republican Sen. Thom Tillis, in a competitiv­e North Carolina reelection race, “is looking forward to campaignin­g” with the president, a spokespers­on said.

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