The Arizona Republic

In-person voting will change for pandemic

- Jessica Boehm

COVID-19 has changed the way we do just about everything and voting will be no exception.

On Tuesday, voters will head to the polls in Maricopa County to cast votes in the primary election for a handful of races from U.S. Senate down to local races.

It appears more voters than usual are taking advantage of early voting options, but the county will still operate 99 in-person voting locations on primary election day.

The location and ambiance of your polling place will likely differ from past voting experience­s.

If you plan to vote in-person on Tuesday, here’s what you should expect at the polls.

Where are voting locations?

First off, your voting location will likely be different than the one you’ve used in the past.

On Aug. 4, there will be 99 vote centers open from 6 a.m.- 7 p.m. Registered voters can cast a ballot at any of the locations.

In a large election there typically are about 500 places to vote and voters have to report to their assigned precinct location.

Maricopa County Elections Department spokespers­on Megan Gilbertson said the elections department is prioritizi­ng larger facilities, like shopping malls and convention centers, that can serve more voters while still allowing for physical distancing between voters

and poll workers.

Many traditiona­l precinct voting locations are in small conference rooms that would be less safe during the pandemic, she said.

This is the first time the county has conducted an all vote-center election, meaning voters can cast a ballot at any location and not only their assigned precinct.

Because of this change, she encourages voters to review the list of vote centers before heading to the polls.

Voters can find their nearest vote center on the Maricopa County Elections

Department website,, or by calling 602-506-1511. The website will also show wait times at each location in real time.

What will it look like?

Walking into the vote center, voters will see markings on the floor every six feet to encourage them to keep space between themselves and poll workers.

The check-in stations, usually squashed together, will each have their own table separated by six feet.

Poll workers will disinfect black sharpies — the most effective marker to use on the ballots — before handing them to voters, Gilbertson said.

Every poll worker will be outfitted with a face shield and gloves. One poll worker at each site will be dedicated to sanitizing the vote center.

Gilbertson said that despite national fears about poll worker shortages, the county is confident it has enough workers to staff all of the locations.

Because there are fewer voting locations, the county needs fewer poll workers — only about 900 instead of the typical 3,500, Gilbertson said.

She said the county is training dozens of extra poll workers in case those assigned to work at specific sites drop out at the last minute.

“It’s a redundancy,” Gilbertson said. “In elections, redundancy means we have a back-up plan and we’re always able to find a solution to serve voters.”

Do you have to wear a mask?

Under the Help America Vote Act, the county can’t deny someone the right to vote if they refuse to wear a mask at the vote center, Gilbertson said.

That said, the county encourages voters to wear a mask and will have masks and gloves available for all voters, she said. If a voter does not wear a mask, poll workers are instructed to immediatel­y sanitize the area where that person voted, Gilbertson said.

“We do have safety protocols in place to make sure our poll workers and other voters are safe and have the right to vote,” she said.

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