The Arizona Republic

Do us a favor: Don’t share your conspiracy theories

- Fred Duval Columnist Special to Arizona Republic USA TODAY NETWORK Fred DuVal is an Arizona civic leader, member of the Board of Regents, a former gubernator­ial candidate and former senior White House staff member. He is a regular contributo­r to The Ar

Twice last month adherents of a widely debunked conspiracy called QAnon rallied in Phoenix and promoted their belief that a shadowy group of Satan-worshiping pedophiles are kidnapping children to harvest their organs, and that this conspiracy was originally run by allies of Hillary Clinton out of a Pizza parlor in Washington D.C. One devoted adherent drove to D.C. to shoot the place up.

The group is named for a secret government insider called “Q” who reveals bits of informatio­n through coded online messages. The assertions have been repeatedly proven fanciful and FBI believes they are inciting acts of domestic terrorism. But it hasn’t stopped congressio­nal candidates from endorsing the movement or a remarkable number of Americans from believing it.

Both political sides traffic in the game. Many conservati­ves believe that wealthy liberal financier George Soros is paying and organizing BLM protesters and many Democrats believe that Donald Trump and Tulsi Gabbard are Russian assets. And each side has competing theories of whether Russia or Ukraine hacked the DNC emails in 2016.

Both sides believe the FBI is a working conspiracy for the other side. To the right, by “spying” on the Trump campaign. To the left, by FBI Director James Comey’s last minute reopening of an investigat­ion of Hillary’s emails that proved nothing new.

More recently, popular conspiraci­es have included matters with objective proof such as the “fake” moon landing, Obama’s Kenyan birth, and the Alex Jones assertion that the shooting of children at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax. Are we really to disregard what we see with our own eyes, or the honest pain of grieving parents?

While now more pronounced, this isn’t anything new. In the bitter presidenti­al election of 1800, supporters of Alexander Hamilton accused Thomas Jefferson of being an agent of the Illuminati, while Jefferson accused Hamilton of a conspiracy to recreate the Monarchy.

Why do people buy into it?

When people feel betrayed by politics and the economy placing blame helps explain an unfair world.

Instabilit­y is oxygen for conspiracy theories. There must be dark forces in play.

When conspiracy theories started at the bottom they were more easily marginaliz­ed. But now they often start at the top.

Distrust of government has steadily grown since the Reagan era. (Ironically at the same speed of our reliance on it.)

And when the election choices are so stark and important – as this year’s presidenti­al election is – the gloves come off and all tactics are fair game. When they go low ... we go lower.

When we delegitimi­ze the referees of our civil society the guardrails come down. When blogs are assumed as true but the news as fake, when cable TV hosts are trusted but judges are biased, when law enforcemen­t is politicize­d and when expertise is ridiculed, where do we find truth?

From the internet? Search algorithms take us deeper and deeper into our own opinion biases, and take the conspiracy-oriented to the darkest recesses of the conspirato­rial world. And then also gives us the networking tools to find and organize the like-minded.

This election will leave America more bitterly divided than at any time since the Civil War. There is much we need to do in our society and politics to heal and again become one nation. But step one is self-restraint.

When you hear or read something fishy do some research. Use fact-checker sites. Get multiple reliable sources. And most importantl­y use the commonsens­e smell test: If it sounds unbelievab­le, it probably is. So do your country a favor. Don’t pass it on.

MATT ROURKE/ ?? David Reinert holds a Q sign as he waits in line with others to enter a campaign rally for President Donald Trump and U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Pa., in August 2018 in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
ASSOCIATED PRESS MATT ROURKE/ David Reinert holds a Q sign as he waits in line with others to enter a campaign rally for President Donald Trump and U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Pa., in August 2018 in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
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