The Arizona Republic

Arizona is still putting up barriers to abortion

- Your Turn Jodi Liggett Guest columnist

January marks the 48th anniversar­y of the Roe versus Wade decision. Prior to 1973, access to abortion wasn’t considered a right in America.

Many women, especially poor women, were forced to choose between an untenable pregnancy, death or serious injury from a dangerous black-market abortion. Even if pregnancy itself was a threat to their life or health.

Sadly, for far too many might just as well be 1972.

Imagine getting off work from your minimum wage job and stopping at the grocery store to pick up a few things. You walk past the family planning aisle and it occurs to you that your period is late, in fact, it’s two weeks late. Money is so tight you actually have to decide between a pregnancy test or milk for the week. You choose and purchase the pregnancy test; you rush to take it, hoping it’s not positive. As the seconds slow



it to minutes, you wonder what you’re going to do if it does indeed come back positive.

Time’s up, you pick up the test, and there it is — positive.

While for many, this moment is an exciting new chapter in their lives, for others it is not. In Arizona, many people face this situation every day. If they choose to seek an abortion, they are met with several barriers intended to prevent them from exercising their constituti­onal right and shame them for their choice.

Our governor has bragged many times that Arizona is among the most “pro-life” states in the country. He, of course, is referring to the myriad regulation­s designed as barriers to those seeking abortion care in Arizona. Waiting periods, in-person visit requiremen­ts, admitting privileges conditions and more all combine to deny access to what is supposed to be constituti­onally protected health care.

None of these laws were enacted to protect women’s health, despite what their authors may claim. None of them actually enhance the safety of abortion, which is one of the safest medical procedures there is.

No. They are designed to thwart women’s free will; to make abortion as humiliatin­g, difficult and expensive as possible. This is how the extreme wing of the pro-life movement attempts to reduce the number of abortions. Power, control and stigma.

This unfortunat­e trend continues to this day. House Bill 2650, introduced by state Representa­tive Walt Blackman would classify abortion as first-degree premeditat­ed murder. In Arizona, that charge can be punished with the death penalty. Not exactly pro-life.

We believe the tenets of reproducti­ve justice can create a truly pro-life Arizona. An Arizona where a single mom can earn enough to support her family. Where childcare is safe, high quality and affordable. Where teachers have the resources they need to prepare the next generation. Where Black people, Indigenous people and people of color have the same protection­s and opportunit­ies as their white brethren.

Where a woman, wherever she lives, can access reproducti­ve health care, including abortion. Wouldn’t it be something if those opposed to abortion worked together with us to reduce unplanned pregnancie­s (and abortions) in the first place?

We urge your readers to contact their legislator and tell them to stop the madness of bills like HB 2650. The conservati­ve majority is fixated on trying to legislate abortion out of existence; ignoring urgent priorities like an historic pandemic devastatin­g our state and families that are hurting.

Send our legislator­s the message that you want them to work together on sane policies that would actually make Arizona a “pro-life” state.

Jodi Liggett is founder of Arizona Center for Women’s Advancemen­t. Reach her at jodiligget­t@azwomenadv­ Co-signers: American Associatio­n of University Women Arizona; Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, Greater Phoenix; Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence; state Rep. Athena Salma; state Sen. Juan Mendez; Gabriella Goodrick, MD, Camelback Family Planning; Michael Soto, executive director, Equality Arizona; National Council of Jewish Women, Arizona; Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona; and NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona.


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