The Arizona Republic


- Rent Smart Courtney Gilstrap LeVinus Guest columnist Courtney Gilstrap LeVinus is president and CEO of the Arizona Multihousi­ng Associatio­n.

Despite COVID-19 restrictio­ns slowly lifting, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend limiting gatherings for the holidays. However, there are still many ways you can make this holiday season a success.

With Thanksgivi­ng right around the corner, brainstorm some activities you can safely partake in while still impressing your small group of guests. A few of your traditions might need some adjusting, but you’ll be host of the year in your apartment home with these creative ideas:

Try a Thanksgivi­ng picnic

The CDC has specified that groups are much safer if they gather in an outdoor area. If you plan to bring a large group of people together, consider turning your Thanksgivi­ng meal into a picnic. Each guest can bring a food item, and you can play some Turkey Day football with your family and friends.

Create a Thanksgivi­ng meal train

Rather than host dinner at your apartment home, safely prepare food for family, friends and neighbors and deliver it to their doorsteps. Set up a meal train with your friends to ensure everyone is accounted for. Then embrace a new tradition by trying out something your neighbor prepared. Who knows? Maybe you’ll add something new to your traditiona­l Thanksgivi­ng menu.

Write holiday cards to retirement homes

Many at-risk people have been unable to leave their long-term care units since the start of the pandemic. Make their day by writing them a holiday card to let them know they are special. No one should ever feel lonely during the holidays, and a card can ensure they receive the love they deserve, without risking their health.

Enjoy the great outdoors

Living in Arizona means we are lucky to have pleasant weather for the holidays. Consider taking your family to the mountains for a turkey-trot through the trails. Pack some hiking snacks and explore the outdoors in the greater Phoenix area.

South Mountain offers a variety of trails that are suitable for kids and other beginners.

Make a DIY holiday wreath

Although there aren’t many leaves on the ground around Phoenix, many craft stores sell faux branches of autumn leaves. Pick up a few leaf branches at your closest craft store and make a wreath by twist-tying the branches together in a circle. Add a large bow at the top, and you’ll have a one-of-a-kind wreath that will catch everyone’s eyes as they enter your home.

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