The Arizona Republic

Getting an early start can make moving a seamless process

- Rent Smart Courtney Gilstrap LeVinus Guest columnist Courtney Gilstrap LeVinus is president and CEO of the Arizona Multihousi­ng Associatio­n.

Moving is a big challenge to tackle, especially if you’re trying to do it on your own.

The process of sorting through what you need, what should be donated and what goes where is daunting. Fortunatel­y, planning ahead and getting started early can simplify and speed up the process.

Here are some tips on preparing and packing that can move you right along.

The longer you wait to begin, the smaller your window to pack will become. Give yourself plenty of time to alleviate stress by starting early, even if it’s small steps such as getting boxes and tape or focusing on just one closet or room first.

Starting early will allow you the time to focus and really make sure everything is in its right place and safely packed by moving day. Check the quality or thickness of your cardboard boxes so that none split or dent during the move.

A heavy load becomes lighter when it’s shared between people. Lighten this heavy burden by recruiting some friends and family to help you. Even if it’s just on moving day to help you carry boxes or load up your car or moving truck, having people around can even make it fun.

Not only are these friend and family extra hands, but they can also offer advice if they too have gone through the moving process. If you recruit friends or family to help, ensure both of you abide by social distancing guidelines.

Deciding which items should be packed and which items should be given away is not an easy feat. However, there are plenty of ways to make this task more enjoyable.

First, create different piles of items you are for sure keeping, items you’re considerin­g giving away and items you are for sure donating. Then, go back through your “maybe” pile and put on a fashion show for yourself or your friends to see which items are necessary to keep. This allows you to downsize while also having some fun.

Organizati­on is key, especially when it comes to packing your boxes. There are a few ways to do this, so follow whatever method you find fits your process best. Try sorting boxes by room, keeping kitchen items with kitchen items and separate from bathroom items. Or try to pack fragile items from different rooms together so it is easier to track those boxes specifical­ly.

Get creative and find dual purposes for your shirts, linens, towels and more. For example, wrap fragile items such as mugs or vases in T-shirts to keep them safe inside the box. Use towels or pillows to line your boxes if you don’t have bubble wrap or newspapers.

If you are moving out of town and cannot drive your boxes to your new location, start shipping about a week before you arrive there. Call ahead and see if your new apartment community can hold a box for a few days in case it arrives early.

Overall, moving takes time, but if you start early enough, you won’t be rushed and forget the small details. Take it one step at a time so you don’t let stress move in when it’s time to move out.

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