The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Mormon leaders excommunic­ate website creator

Site gave people doubting the faith a discussion­s forum.

- By Brady McCombs

SALT LAKE CITY — A Mormon man who gained notoriety over the past decade for running a website that offers doubting Latter-day Saints a forum to chat has been kicked out of the religion.

John Dehlin announced the decision from regional church leaders Tuesday. He becomes the second high-profile church member to be excommunic­ated in the past year in what Mormon scholars consider to be the Utahbased faith’s way of keeping dissenters in line.

A regional church leader in North Logan told Dehlin in a letter that Mormon officials made a unanimous decision to excommunic­ate him for apostasy, defined by the church as repeatedly acting in clear public opposition to the faith.

While not a lifelong ban, excommunic­ation is a rare move that amounts to the harshest punishment available for a church member.

The letter from Bryan King says Dehlin is being kicked out not because he doubted and asked questions about church doctrine, but because he made categorica­l statements opposing the faith that were disseminat­ed on his website. King wrote that Dehlin’s actions have led others to leave the faith.

“You do not have the right to remain a member of the church in good standing while openly and publicly trying to convince others that church teachings are in error,” King wrote.

The decision comes two days after Dehlin met with church leaders in a four-hour disciplina­ry hearing.

Dehlin, 45, hoped he wouldn’t be excommunic­ated but told church leaders he could not in good conscience stop operating his website, Mormonstor­

Dehlin said he was told last year that his website and his public support of same-sex marriage were reasons he was being accused of apostasy.

But Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spokesman Eric Hawkins said in a statement that while Dehlin’s views on gay marriage go against church teachings, they were not the reasons for his discipline.

 ?? AP ?? John Dehlin arrives with his wife, Margi, for a disciplina­ry council in North Logan, Utah, on Sunday. Dehlin announced that he has been kicked out of the religion.
AP John Dehlin arrives with his wife, Margi, for a disciplina­ry council in North Logan, Utah, on Sunday. Dehlin announced that he has been kicked out of the religion.

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