The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Obama’s stance against gay marriage was a sham?

Adviser says president weighed political fallout,


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama feigned opposition to gay marriage for most of his political career, compromisi­ng his true beliefs out of concern it could hurt him with voters, Obama’s longtime political adviser disclosed in a new book.

David Axelrod, who served as a top White House adviser after helping Obama get elected, said Obama begrudging­ly followed his advice that he would face strong opposition from African-American religious leaders and others if he let it be known he supported gay marriage. He said Obama “modified his position” to say he supported civil unions — but not same-sex marriage.

“Having prided himself on forthright­ness, though, Obama never felt comfortabl­e with his compromise and, no doubt, compromise­d position,” Axelrod wrote in the memoir “Believer: My Forty Years in Politics,” released Tuesday.

Axelrod’s disclosure affirmed what was widely suspected for years: that Obama’s May 2012 announceme­nt that he supported gay marriage came long after the president had personally come to that conclusion. The year earlier, Obama and the White House had started saying his position was “evolving,” leading many to believe he was holding off on a public embrace of gay marriage for fear it could damage his re-election prospects.

“If Obama’s views were ‘evolving’ publicly, they were fully evolved behind closed doors,” Axelrod wrote.

When he finally said he felt gay marriage should be legal, it was only after Vice President Joe Biden declared his support for gay marriage during an interview, upping the pressure on Obama to make his current views clear ahead of the election.

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