The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A brief recess, then a flurry of stories


After six consecutiv­e weeks in session, the 114th Congress has broken for its first weeklong recess.

All-Republican rule has not been entirely smooth, but fresh off a trip Thursday to the White House, where he witnessed President Barack Obama sign a law to fight veterans’ suicides, Georgia Republican U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson struck an optimistic tone.

In addition to the Clay Hunt Suicide Protection for American Veterans Act, Obama has signed a terrorism risk insurance bill. Both houses of Congress passed a bill to force the president to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which he has vowed to veto.

Even with Senate Democrats repeatedly blocking debate on a measure to fund the Department of Homeland Security while striking Obama executive actions on immigratio­n, Isakson said the upper chamber has been effective.

“We did more in six weeks in real work and productive work than we did in a year last year — by the way, Sen. (Mitch) McConnell is running the Senate,” Isakson said. “That makes it exciting.”

In the coming months, a series of deadlines loom for DHS funding, Medicare reimbursem­ent cuts for doctors, a budget resolution, a depleted highway trust fund and the always thrilling debt ceiling.

“You’re going to not have to work too hard to come up with stories,” Isakson said.

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