The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Last week: Should there be a law outlining county commission­ers’ authority?

- Monroe Roark for the AJC

An ongoing dispute between Henry County Board of Commission­ers Chairman Tommy Smith and the other five district commission­ers regarding the scope of Smith’s authority has become a major issue. Smith filed suit in November in an attempt to clarify the issue, and the rest of the board voted in December to ask the county’s legislativ­e delegation to submit legislatio­n in that regard. Local officials expect a bill to be passed shortly. Here is what some readers had to say about the matter: As a longtime resident of Henry County, I am appalled to see the bickering within our county commission. I thought our county had moved beyond the days of a“one man band.”Our board of commission­ers was elected to conduct county business and not have anyone form a political empire. The days of“Boss Hogg” are long gone and our officials need to take care of business. We should have moved on politicall­y from taking one step forward and two steps back. — Joan Jones Get this. The Henry County Legislativ­e delegation sends out weekly updates on what is going on at the Capitol during the week. We have received three so far, and guess how many times that they have brought up this important issue. Zero! That’s right, not one single time have they revealed that they are planning on pushing this change in elected Henry County government through the legislatur­e. Where is the openness and transparen­cy? Where is the discussion? Only behind closed doors? — lucy_belle777 You left out the part where when the county manager was appointed. It was done so by a last minute called meeting by the five district commission­ers with virtually no notice given to the public and while chairman smith was out of town and could not be there to discuss or vote on it. This was and is a coup of the chairman’s authority and for all intents and purposes will nullify the votes of the citizens who elected him. — Joanie Scott

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