The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Husband wants wife by her cell

- Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Dear Abby: My husband has many wonderful qualities. However, he’s obsessed with my always being instantly available when he calls or texts my cellphone.

I don’t carry it with me every minute of the day.

At work I can be busy taking orders, dealing with clients, having a conference with my boss or using the restroom.

But if I don’t answer, my husband leaves nasty messages asking why I have a phone if I’m not going to pick up or respond to a text.

I always do it as soon as I am able.

I have explained the reality of what I might be involved with when he contacts me.

I have told him his demand that I always be immediatel­y available is selfish, to no avail. What’s your opinion? — Exasperate­d in Erie

Dear Exasperate­d: My opinion is you should ignore your husband’s nasty comments because he’s acting like an immature, demanding child who needs to grow up and realize the world doesn’t revolve around him.

Dear Abby: My husband has a grandson, “Kyle,” who has been living with us for two years while he earned his bachelor’s degree in college.

However, he is now going for a master’s, and it will be another two years before he graduates.

Kyle works a lot and takes classes, so he is not at our home that much.

However, at age 25, it seems to me he should be out on his own.

Some of Kyle’s uncles are upset that my husband has allowed this to go on so long because their kids never got the same treatment.

But Kyle doesn’t get the support from his parents that he should, and my husband feels sorry for him.

Am I selfish for feeling that my space has been invaded for too long? — Put Upon in Texas

Dear Put Upon: That you and your husband have chosen to be generous with Kyle should be nobody else’s business.

For the reason you mentioned, Kyle needed a break. Your husband stepped in and has seen that he got one.

If Kyle were constantly underfoot, I could understand why you might justifiabl­y feel “invaded.”

However, because he isn’t, then yes, I do think your attitude is selfish.

Dear Abby: Once again I have found that one random act of kindness begets another.

Today, I had a hankering for one of those great salads from my favorite fast food chain.

It was noon, and the line from the main highway to get into the driveway was long.

When I finally was able to turn in to the ordering section, I noticed a man in his work truck trying to get into the line.

We were face-to-face. I looked back, saw all the cars behind me and knew none of them were going to let him in, so I motioned for him to go ahead of me.

When I reached the window and started to pay for my order, the cashier said, “You are already paid for.” I said, “What?” The man in front of me had paid for my order.

The message? Be kind — it’s good karma. — Linda in Orange, Calif.

Dear Linda: I agree. Like a stone thrown into a pond, a good deed can create ripples that extend far beyond the initial splash.

When I write a column I let the thing sit for a day or two and then I read it again. Often times if I read it immediatel­y after I write it I’ll skim over fairly obvious mistakes. I realize you don’t have the time to wait that long.

Everyone needs an editor. Outside eyes find things that the writer skimmed over. So — with important emails only — get a spouse or friend to double-check your work. You’ll be amazed at what you missed.

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