The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



Every so often, someone who has just joined my club asks me how Cy got to be known as “the Cynic.”

“He certainly deserves that nickname,” a new member remarked. “How did he come by it?”

“Cy is an Everyman,” I replied, “struggling against the tides of frustratio­n at a difficult game. When he plays in a team match, he’s at the mercy of a partner, two teammates and four opponents, and somebody is sure to let him down.”

In today’s deal from a team event, Cy was South, and his partner North indulged in a wild leap to six spades. West hammered that, of course, and East, who had an ace himself, must have expected a bonanza.

West led the ace of hearts. Cy ruffed in dummy and led the king of clubs, and when East played the ace, the Cynic ruffed and took the king of hearts to discard dummy’s diamond loser. He lost a trump to the ace and took the rest. Making six, plus 1,660 points!

“West should have led the ace of trumps,” our new member remarked. “When he saw dummy, he could tell which red ace to cash next.” “I agree,” I said. “Wasn’t Cy happy with his result?”

“At the other table,” I said, “North found the same leap to six spades. West, Cy’s teammate, doubled, but this time South redoubled on the strength of his void in clubs. West made the same careless opening lead, and South scored up six spades redoubled for plus 2,070. So Cy’s team lost nine IMPs.”

“I begin to understand,” said our new member.

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