The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Can antiperspi­rant usage cause rebound body odor?

- By Joe Graedon and Teresa Graedon People's Pharmacy Joe Graedon is a pharmacolo­gist and Teresa Graedon is an expert in medical anthropolo­gy and nutrition. They can be reached at peoplespha­rmacy@gmail. com.

Q: I work in cancer research. About 10 years ago, most of the women in my office decided to stop wearing antiperspi­rant because of the uncertaint­y of adverse health effects.

We all had amazingly similar experience­s. Most of us immediatel­y had an increase of smelly perspirati­on that gradually tapered over a year. We used frequent underarm toweling and added baking-soda-based underarm powder for meetings.

Fortunatel­y, once we got past the rebound period, there were virtually no problems. We experience­d normal sweat production and no unusual odor.

I suspect that antiperspi­rant rebound is like so many other problems caused by living in the age of chemistry: It fixes a short-term problem but causes a long-term one.

A: Your story surprised us. We’re familiar with rebound congestion after stopping nasal-spray decongesta­nts, or rebound hyperacidi­ty after discontinu­ing acid-suppressin­g drugs. We never imagined such an effect after eliminatin­g antiperspi­rants.

We found, however, that some researcher­s have actually studied this question. They discovered that antiperspi­rant use changes the balance of bacteria in armpits (PeerJ, Feb. 2, 2016). According to one scientist, antiperspi­rants encourage the growth of Actinobact­eria that create unpleasant odors (Archives of Dermatolog­ical Research, October 2014).

Stopping the antiperspi­rant does appear to promote bacterial growth. This might account for the rebound body odor you and your colleagues experience­d.

Q: My wife died because of a medical error. A serious kidney problem led to a biopsy and a prescripti­on for steroids.

While she was in the hospital, another doctor noticed a possible blood clot in her arm and started her on a regimen of blood thinners without telling us. As a result, her biopsy bled badly. Even though she was operated on to stop the leak, she deteriorat­ed.

A hospital-acquired infection in her leg could not be healed. Her intestines became impacted, and 13 weeks later she passed away. I do not understand why the second doctor did not notice that she’d had a biopsy, which would make an anticoagul­ant inappropri­ate.

A: We are so sorry to learn of this tragic outcome. Patients or their family members must always be informed of hospital treatments and double-check for possible mistakes. Our book “Top Screwups Doctors Make and How to Prevent Them” offers checklists to help people be extravigil­ant.

Q: I have sleep and prostate problems. I take one Advil PM each night, along with Crestor to control cholestero­l and Unisom for insomnia. I am convinced that the Advil helps relax my prostate and limits me to one bathroom visit per night.

I can’t tolerate side effects from prescripti­on drugs such as tamsulosin (Flomax) and finasterid­e (Proscar). Is Advil dangerous if taken regularly? In the past, one of my urologists recommende­d Motrin to reduce my nightly bathroom visits.

A: There is some evidence to suggest that nighttime NSAID use may reduce trips to the bathroom (Urology, October 2008). Ibuprofen, the ingredient in Advil and Motrin, is an NSAID. The downside is that regular use of such drugs may affect kidney function or increase the risk of stomach irritation and ulcers, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes.

We also worry about the double dose of diphenhydr­amine you are getting by taking both Advil PM and Unisom. It can make people feel sluggish in the morning and may affect brain function.

In their column, Joe and Teresa Graedon answer letters from readers. Write to them in care of this newspaper or email them via their Web site: www.PeoplesPha­ Their newest book is “Top Screwups Doctors Make and How to Avoid Them.”

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