The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Anti-abortion activists, counter-protesters rally

Demonstrat­ions draw advocates on both sides of issue.

- By Gene Johnson

SEATTLE — Anti-abortion activists emboldened by the new administra­tion of President Donald Trump staged rallies around the country Saturday calling for the federal government to cut off payments to Planned Parenthood, but in some cities counter-protests dwarfed the demonstrat­ions.

Thousands of Planned Parenthood supporters, many wearing the pointy-eared pink hats popularize­d by last month’s women’s marches, turned out for a rally in St. Paul, Minn., where they were separated by barricades from an anti-abortion crowd of a couple hundred people. In Detroit, about 300 people turned up outside a Planned Parenthood office, most of them supporting the organizati­on. In St. Louis, thousands marched, many carrying pink signs that read, “I stand with Planned Parenthood.”

“They do a lot of work to help women with reproducti­ve health — not just abortions, obviously — but they help with birth control and cancer screenings and counseling and a whole variety of services, and it seems they’re under attack right now, and that concerns me greatly,” said Kathy Brown, 58, a supporter of the organizati­on who attended the St. Paul rally.

Anti-abortion conservati­ves have targeted Planned Parenthood, which receives federal funding to provide health services — including birth control and cancer screening — to low-income women, because it also provides abortions at some of its clinics.

Andy LaBine, 44, of Ramsey, Minn., rallied with abortion opponents in St. Paul. LaBine, who was there with his family, said he believes Planned Parenthood is hiding “under a veil of health care.”

“I personally believe that abortion is a profound injustice to the human race,” LaBine said.

In one of his first acts as president, Trump last month banned U.S. funding to internatio­nal groups that perform abortions or even provide informatio­n about abortions. Vice President Mike Pence strongly opposes abortion, citing his Catholic beliefs, and the newly confirmed health secretary, Tom Price, has supported cutting off taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood.

The group’s federal funding does not pay for abortions, but the organizati­on is reimbursed by Medicaid for other services. Abortion opponents contend that the reimbursem­ents help subsidize abortions.

Planned Parenthood says it performed 324,000 abortions in 2014, the most recent year tallied, but that the vast majority of women it serves seek contracept­ion, testing and treatment of sexually transmitte­d diseases, and other services including cancer screenings.

The nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office says barring Planned Parenthood from receiving reimbursem­ents would cut roughly $400 million in payments to the organizati­on in the year after enactment and would result in roughly 400,000 women losing access to care. Republican­s would redirect the funding to community health centers, but Planned Parenthood supporters say women denied Medicaid services from Planned Parenthood may not be able to find alternativ­e sources of care.

At the nonprofit’s New York headquarte­rs, supporters outnumbere­d a group of 50 abortion rights opponents by a ratio of 3-to1, and thousands rallied separately at Washington Square Park to support the group. In the Seattle suburb of Kent, 300 supporters turned out, as opposed to a couple dozen opponents, KOMO-TV reported. By contrast, in the deeply conservati­ve western Iowa city of Council Bluffs, two dozen anti-abortion demonstrat­ors drew no counter-rally.

Outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in the Dallas suburb of Plano, about 20 anti-abortion protesters gathered — a few more than on a typical Saturday, attendees said. They bore signs reading “Abortion Kills Children,” “Pray to End Abortion” and “Men Regret Lost Fatherhood.”

Maria Nesbitt, 47, participat­ed along with her husband and daughters, ages 5 and 3, and said she was pleased about Trump’s election and the prospect of cutting Planned Parenthood’s funding. She and the girls held signs saying “Pray to End Abortion,” though she said they were too young to understand what it means.

Nearby, Anthony Hodgson, 57, held a sign with the same message.

“I believe it’s not right. God told us, ‘Thou shalt not kill,’ “he said. In Detroit, Jill Byczek, 59, said she felt empowered after attending the women’s march in Washington. She said Planned Parenthood stands for “so much more” than abortion services.

“This is a way women get educated, get protected,” she said.

 ?? JIM SALTER / AP ?? A Planned Parenthood supporter and opponent try to block each other’s signs during a protest and counter-protest Saturday in St. Louis. Rallies are scheduled across the country.
JIM SALTER / AP A Planned Parenthood supporter and opponent try to block each other’s signs during a protest and counter-protest Saturday in St. Louis. Rallies are scheduled across the country.
 ?? MARGERY BECK / AP ?? Marvin Naegele, 62, of Walnut, Iowa, (left) and Lon Schroeder, 61, of Council Bluffs hold protest signs Saturday in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Rallies aimed at urging the end of federal funding for Planned Parenthood are scheduled across the country.
MARGERY BECK / AP Marvin Naegele, 62, of Walnut, Iowa, (left) and Lon Schroeder, 61, of Council Bluffs hold protest signs Saturday in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Rallies aimed at urging the end of federal funding for Planned Parenthood are scheduled across the country.

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