The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Which U.S. view? Trump vs. Reagan

- Jim Galloway Political Insider

At the risk of being rude, we need to revisit the big loss that millions witnessed on Fox last Sunday.

No, not the Atlanta Falcons. Their time will come. Eventually. Maybe. I speak of the loss of American exceptiona­lism — that sense, deeply rooted in Republican thought, that this nation is great because it is good.

A victim of the pre-Super Bowl hoopla, this concept vanished during the televised conversati­on between President Donald Trump and Fox News commentato­r Bill O’Reilly. The topic was Russian President Vladimir Putin. O’Reilly: Putin’s a killer. Trump: There are a lot of killers. We got a lot of killers. What — you think our country’s so innocent? You think our country’s so innocent?

O’Reilly: I don’t know of any government leaders that are killers.

Trump: Well, take a look at what we’ve done, too. We’ve made a lot of mistakes.

Republican­s often accused President Barack Obama of abandoning American exceptiona­lism. Trump has actually done it.

“I don’t like the term — I’ll be honest with you,” Trump said as a candidate in June to a group of Texas tea partyers.

Look, I get it. When you’re sitting across from an adversary, cutting a bargain, making a deal, claims of moral superiorit­y get you nowhere.

But last Sunday, Trump wasn’t talking to Putin. He was talking to us. And he was telling us that America would be great because it would be strong. And we have always hoped for something more.

We’ve seen this before. People forget that the election of Ronald Reagan wasn’t just a rejection of Jimmy Carter. It was also a rebuke of the realpoliti­k of Henry Kissinger and the Nixon administra­tion.

Reagan traded in optimism. This president specialize­s in fear. Trump speaks of “this American carnage” that exists outside your doorstep, waiting to grab you by the throat. Only 28 years ago, a Republican president felt differentl­y about his “shining city upon a hill.”

“In my mind, it was a tall, proud city, built on rocks, stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all

kinds,” Reagan said as he exited the White House. “And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors. And the doors were opened to anyone with a will and the heart to get here.”

We have not always been a force for good, but we have always aspired to it. And the evidence we most often cite as proof is our willingnes­s to take in the lowest rejects of other countries — and give them the elbow room to thrive.

The problem holding your country out as a beacon of light is that people will be drawn to it. Shine it and they will come. Yet right now, walls with much smaller doors are a growth stock.

Two days after Trump’s pre-Super Bowl remarks, U.S. Sens. David Perdue, R-Ga., and Tom Cotton, R-Ark., picked up the banner being abandoned by Jeff Sessions, the Alabama Republican who was leaving the chamber to become U.S. attorney general.

Perdue and Cotton pitched a bill to cut immigratio­n into the U.S. from 1 million to 500,000 a year. The bill is not aimed at illegal immigratio­n. Nor at the H-1B visas that corporatio­ns seek to bring in specialize­d workers.

This measure is directed at the “huddled masses” cited at the base of the Statue of Liberty. An annual “lottery” that allows 50,000 immigrants would be discontinu­ed. As far as family members go, the new measure would restrict preference­s to spouses, dependent underage children and elderly parents in need of personal care.

“Returning to our historical­ly normal levels of legal immigratio­n will help improve the quality of American jobs and wages,” Perdue said.

Cotton, too, drew a line between immigratio­n and low wages. Automation and globalizat­ion might be factors, he conceded. He didn’t mention the decline in union membership, but I will.

All that aside, the two senators were focused on immigratio­n as a means of boosting wages. “I think those two things are directly connected,” Cotton said. Except that a great deal of evidence argues that they’re not.

Supply and demand works if there are only two choices. That’s not us. “Senators Cotton and Perdue may intend to raise the wages of lower-skilled Americans, but their bill is more likely to line the coffers of firms that manufactur­e machines that can substitute for them,” wrote Alex Nowrasteh of the conservati­ve Cato Institute.

But it does put a face on the problem of low wages.

Ideas are investment­s in the future. Perdue, who backed Trump early in last year’s presidenti­al contest, has made his — though he has hedged that bet with his opposition to a House Republican plan that would levy heavy taxes on all goods imported into the U.S. — another strategy aimed at increasing the wages of those left behind.

Other Republican­s, too, will have to choose between the last-chance revolution­ism of Trump and the optimism of Reagan. Among the first will be candidates in the 6th Congressio­nal District race to replace U.S. Rep. Tom Price, who is now secretary of health and human services.

The field is large. One of the lesser-known Republican candidates is Kurt Wilson, a Roswell small business owner. “It is important to recognize and celebrate that President Trump’s campaign proved the out-of-control political machine in Washington, D.C., is, in fact, vulnerable,” he has been quoted as saying. “There is real opportunit­y to break into a system that has outgrown its purpose and build a modern, representa­tive government.”

Another possible candidate is Charles Kuck, a GOP immigratio­n lawyer. At this writing, he’s not sure that he’ll run. His business is about to experience some heavy traffic.

But in a way, I hope that he does. He would bring an argument that might be outdated but deserves a hearing.

Kuck could be considered a Republican in the mold of John Kasich — who finished fourth, with 10 percent, among 6th District voters in the March GOP presidenti­al primary. (U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida came in first with 39 percent, followed by Trump with 28 percent.)

Kuck doesn’t cotton to Perdue’s immigratio­n bill. Nor is he a fan of the new president’s vision of America. “This is the complete opposite of what Ronald Reagan did for our party 30 years ago. I’m sure he’s rolling over in his grave at this point,” he said.

“The 6th District is not a Donald Trump/anti-immigratio­n district,” he said. “If you drive through Alpharetta, and see all the software companies here, and the neighborho­ods in Sandy Springs and Dunwoody, what you see is the modern American society. Which has immigrants and native-born Americans living side by side in a booming economy.”

That would make for an interestin­g argument in a largely Republican district: Do you live in Ronald Reagan’s world? Or Donald Trump’s?

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