The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Something about his paycheck was fishy

- By Dwight Perry

Talk about a bad swim move.

NFL linebacker Brandon Spikes got his paychecks garnished this past season, the Buffalo News reported, because he didn’t pay a company called The Fish Guy $4,045 for hauling his aquarium and tropical fish from Rhode Island to Buffalo in 2014 after he signed with the Bills.


■ At “American male tennis players placed on endangered-species list.”

■ Comedy writer Tim Hunter, after President Obama pardoned ex-Giants slugger Willie McCovey for a 1995 tax-evasion conviction: “In tax terminolog­y, that’s what they call ‘an intentiona­l walk.’”

Break a leg

Margot Robbie has been cast in the role of disgraced figure skater Tonya Harding in the upcoming biopic “I, Tonya.” Giddy critics are already predicting they’ll give it two clubs up.

Letter of intent?

Defensive-end prospect Donovan Winter was unable to sign his letter of intent with Michigan State, the Orlando Sentinel reported, because he’d been jailed on burglary charges. Probably not the kind of “recruiting steal” that Spartans coaches had in mind.

25/ 7, anyone?

A report says that, 180 million years from now, the pull of the moon’s gravity will make days on Earth 25 hours long.

And MLB games will be 6½ hours long.

Talking the talk

■ Janice Hough of LeftCoastS­, on a sure sign that U.S. political turmoil is over the top: “That moment when you turn on sports-talk radio for comparativ­ely calm and reasonable conversati­on.”

■ NBC’s Seth Meyers, after the Westminste­r Dog Show announced it has added three new breeds: “Said the dogs, “Yeah, last year’s afterparty got pretty wild.’ ”

Getting their hacks

The St. Louis Cardinals will have to give up two draft picks and $2 million to the Astros after scouting director Chris Correa went rogue and repeatedly broke into Houston’s online player-informatio­n database.

On the bright side, the Cards are odds-on favorites to win the inaugural Hack Wilson Award.

Quote marks

■ Blogger Chad Picasner, not impressed that the NHL All-Star Game was been reduced to a 3-on-3 affair: “Why don’t they just schedule a series of fights on the ice? I understand that most fans prefer that anyway.”

■ Illinois State football coach Brock Spack, to the Chicago Tribune, on recruit Kobe Buffalomea­t: “People say I have a good football name. So he and I have something in common.”

Flag daze

Nebraska’s state flag flew upside-down at the Capitol for 10 days before someone noticed.

Apparently the local citizenry was totally locked in on Cornhusker football recruiting.

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