The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Q&A on the News

- Fast Copy News Service wrote this column; Keith Still contribute­d. Do you have a question? Call 404-2222002 or email q& (include name, phone and city).

Q: Why does Michelle Obama still have a staff ? Are the American taxpayers paying for her rental space and her employees? Have other first ladies maintained a staff? – L. Louise Ward, Cumming

A: Michelle Obama will not return to private anonymity after the White House. As a former first lady, there will “be a big public demand” for Obama, her longtime deputy chief of staff Melissa Winter told the Washington Post in January.

“After a long break, Obama plans to get to work with a small staff that will move into office space in Washington,” the Post reported.

Staffs are often employed by former presidents and first ladies to handle correspond­ence, scheduling requests and other demands.

While former presidents are eligible for an annual pension equal to the pay for a Cabinet secretary ($205,700 in 2016) and are given allowances to establish, furnish and staff their official office anywhere in the United States, former first ladies do not receive a pension. (Presidenti­al widows, however, are eligible for a $20,000 pension per year.)

Former first ladies do receive taxpayer-funded benefits like Secret Service protection and up to $500,000 per year in official travel expenses, according to the National Taxpayers Union Foundation.

Former first ladies and presidents often earn substantia­l incomes by speaking and writing memoirs.

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