The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Advice Lady knows: There are three different Trumps

- Gail Collins

Dear Advice Lady: Everybody is saying how reasonable President Donald Trump sounded in his big speech to Congress, but it made me crazy! I was yelling at the TV the whole time. If he bothers me this much when he’s trying to be statesmanl­ike, how am I going to make it through four years?

— Sincerely, Can’t Stand Trump

Dear Can’t Stand

Trump: Prioritize. If everything he says makes you start howling, your loved ones are going to stop paying attention to you. Or lock you in the attic.

— Advice Lady

C.S.T.: The stock market is booming after that speech! Just because they didn’t have to haul him off in a straitjack­et! There’s such a thing as setting the bar too low.

A.L.: The key to understand­ing our president is to realize there are three versions. Unscripted Trump is the one who obsesses about crowd size and expresses complete astonishme­nt that constructi­ng a national health care plan is hard. That’s the one we worry will start a nuclear war.

C.S.T.: So the Dow went up 300 points because Unscripted didn’t show up to address Congress?

A.L.: Yep. The second version is Reasonable Chatting Trump. R.C.T. is the one who had pre-speech gatherings with journalist­s in which he mused about passing immigratio­n reform and making the Dreamers legal. Everyone was very excited until it became clear this had no relation to anything he was planning to say in public.

C.S.T.: Then he walked in front of Congress and became Version 3?

A.L.: Yes, the guy with the teleprompt­er. We will call him Somewhat Normal Republican Trump, or SNORT.

C.S.T.: When he started off with a call for unity against anti-Semitism, I threw my sock at the screen. Just a couple of weeks ago, someone asked him about attacks on Jewish institutio­ns and he just quoted his Electoral College numbers.

A.L.: True, we don’t normally expect to have to educate our new presidents in how to express disapprova­l of anti-Semitism. But just be glad he seems to have absorbed the lesson.

C.S.T.: And what about his rants about the inner cities? I hate it when he acts as if every place with black people is a death zone. But you can’t just say, “Stop picking on Chicago’s murder rate.”

A.L.: Try yelling: “Yes! Crack down on gun sales to gangs!” He finds it upsetting when anybody suggests the problem with gun violence is guns.

C.S.T.: I think I could definitely do that.

A.L.: You could also try giving Trump a thumbs-up whenever he says something you agree with. It’ll make you feel fairminded, and if he ever found out, it would confuse the heck out of him.

C.S.T.: In an hourlong speech, the only thing he said about the environmen­t was that he wanted to “invest in women’s health and to promote clean air and clean water.”

A.L.: Well, that was SNORT reading. Reasonable Chatting Trump is crazy about the environmen­t. He’s even worried about climate change. And Donald the Unscripted thinks environmen­talism is an evil plot by the same people who bused millions of unregister­ed non-citizens to the polls to dilute his election triumph.

Take your pick. They’ll all be around for the next four years.

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