The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Groom bolts but considers bride the villain

- Carolyn Hax Email Carolyn at, follow her on Facebook at or chat with her online at noon Eastern time each Friday at www. washington­

Dear Carolyn: I recently called off my wedding less than a week beforehand. And everyone hates me now — my ex, her family, even my family has been nasty to me.

On top of that I truly feel terrible about having done this. I kept trying to put my feelings down to cold feet but I suddenly knew I couldn’t go through with it. Better that than divorce in less than a year, right?

I know I look like the bad guy, but I honestly think my ex bears some blame for giving me an ultimatum instead of letting it happen organicall­y. We had only been dating two years before she said, “Give me a ring or else I walk.” When I tried to explain this to some friends and my family, they said it just makes me look even worse, trying to blame the “heartbroke­n, jilted bride.”

Aren’t I entitled to defend myself, or am I just going to have to take 100 percent of the blame forever?? — Not Really the Villain

Carolyn says: Ah, you had me till the finger-pointing.

Yes, her ultimatum was a terrible idea. But, dude — you heard her terrible idea, and did what? Bought a ring. So that’s on you.

Let me go back for a second, though. I don’t like blame at all in situations like this. You two weren’t right for each other. Everyone who “hates” you isn’t connecting enough dots to recognize you had to call it off. You could both be lovely people who tried to do right by each other, and that still could have brought you to a last-minute cancellati­on. Sometimes the Aha Fairy chooses to visit at an exquisitel­y terrible time.

So own that, and nothing else. Say you’re sorry. Say you feel terrible. Say you wish clarity had come sooner. No flinching.

And no justificat­ions, either. Here’s what doesn’t help anyone at a time like this:

“Hey, beats a divorce, amirite?”

“YOU pressured ME, remember?”

“We had only been dating two years!” [My eyeroll added.]

“Do I have to take 100 percent of the blame forever?!”

Your job is to have a clear message for yourself, that you are 100 percent responsibl­e for your part in this. For agreeing to something you didn’t want and for taking so long to see the error in that.

How others see it, see her, see you? That’s for them to work out. The rest will follow when you get right with you.

.. And when you compensate your ex and/or her family for any deposits you lost by bolting so late. Decency demands it, in installmen­ts if you must.

Dear Carolyn: I have a friend who never calls me — ever. Which is fine, I’m a busy person with multiple jobs and an active social life. The problem is sometimes she will send me an email saying she misses our old close friendship and wonders what she might have done wrong to push me away. We’ve been through this a few times. I say nothing is wrong, I’m busy and the phone works both ways. I set up an outing or two for us. She enjoys it, tells me so effusively, but does not suggest any outings from her end. I get busy, cycle repeats.

I haven’t heard from her in a really long time. I’m anticipati­ng the hurt email, and I’m trying to figure out a way out of this. I enjoy her company, but I’m tired of doing all the work, then getting guilt-tripped when I stop. Ideas? — Overbooked

Carolyn says: If you like her, then email now, unprompted, to suggest making plans. The best defense being a good offense, or something like that. If her wounded email shows up before you’ve had a chance to do this, then don’t scramble to make plans. Instead, just answer her “what she might have done wrong to push me away” question honestly. “You haven’t called me! If you want to, though, then call me.” Spray-paint the steps on the floor to help her do the dance.

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