The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


- “47 Meters Down” Grade: Starring Bottom line:


Mandy Moore, Claire Holt and Matthew Modine. Directed by Johannes Roberts.

for sequences of intense peril, bloody images, and brief strong language. Check listings for theaters. 1 hour, 29 minutes. Entertaini­ng and unsettling at the same time the tension and it mostly works, even when a plot device or two might seem to contradict common sense.

On top of that, “47 Meters Down” is a technical marvel. The first film to be shot at the 60,546-square-foot water tank at the Pinewood Dominican Republic Studios, it absolutely makes members of the audience feel like they’re at the bottom of the ink-black ocean with Lisa and Kate. And the sharks look real and really hungry.

The movie lacks the emotional resonance of that other stranded-in-theocean cinematic experience, “Open Water,” from 2003. That was a film that lingered in the memory long after the lights went up, partly because it was based on a true story about a couple whose dive-boat left them to perish in the middle of the sea. And “47 Meters Down” is no “Jaws” but it doesn’t aim for camp like the “Piranha” movies either and feels less voyeuristi­c than “The Shallows.”

None of that makes “47 Meters Down” any less entertaini­ng and unsettling in a popcorn-thriller way. Like the old ad for “Jaws 2” said, “Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water …”

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