The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



Today’s deal reminds me of the man who invented an invisibili­ty cloak and then couldn’t remember where he’d put it. It’s hard to see how North-South lost 100 points, but that’s what happened.

Against four hearts, West found the lead of a low club, and the defense took the ace, king and queen. If East had then exited with a trump, a spade or a diamond, South would have won the rest. With a diamond exit, for instance, South could rise with his ace, cash the A-K of spades and A-K of trumps, and pitch a diamond on the queen of spades as East had to follow suit.

But East judged that South had all the missing high honors for his bidding. So East led the 13th club.

South had to ruff with his 10. West unapologet­ically threw a spade, and South was sunk. If he tried to unblock his high spades before taking dummy’s trumps, West would ruff.

Next time maybe NorthSouth will reach 3NT.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ AK ♥ Q109742

◆ A6 ♣ J 10 2. Your partner opens one club, you bid one heart and he raises to two hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: The way to evaluate this situation is not to assign a point-count value to your hand but to imagine minimum hands for partner that will make six hearts a good spot. If hehas876,AJ83,K9,A Q 7 5, slam will depend on winning one of two finesses. Bid 4NT, planning to try six hearts unless he has no aces.

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