The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



At matchpoint duplicate, declarer may choose a line of play that would be wrong at IMPs or party bridge.

Today’s South plays at 3NT. aest leads the jack of hearts. South has four spades and two hearts and can get three more tricks by losing a diamond to the ace. At IMPs he would lead a diamond at Trick Two.

At matchpoint­s South must pursue an overtrick. If clubs break 3-2 South can force out the ace for four club tricks and 10 in all. But if, as the cards lie, he wins the first heart in dummy and leads a club, Dast beats 3NT by rising with the ace to return a heart.

The key question is whether the contract is “normal.” If every pair will be at the same spot, making the contract is irrelevant. ahat matters is whether you take more tricks than the other declarers.

Here, every North-South will be at 3NT, so South should try for the overtrick. If Dast ducks the first club, an error many Dasts would make, South can shift to diamonds.

DAILY QUESTION: bou hold: ♠ AJ93 ♥A 6 ◆ Q 1043 ♣K Q J. The dealer, at your right, opens two hearts. bou double, and your partner responds two spades. The opponents pass. ahat do you say?

ANSWER: bour double suggested a hand worth at least 16 points with support for any of the unbid suits. bour partner was obliged to respond, and his bid of two spades promises no values. Pass. aith a hand as strong asK8765,75,65,A104 3, he would have jumped to three spades.

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