The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



1. Eighty percent of adults have back pain at some point of their lives. Young adults should wear a backpack with padded arm supports, and a waist belt, and the total weight should be less than 15 percent of their body weight. Consider a rolling pack.

2. Wear reflective gear in the early morning and early evening when ambient light is at its lowest.

3. Look both ways when crossing before and after getting on and off the bus.

4. Always wear seat belts.

5. If you ride to school, wear a helmet at all times.

6. Consider drinking water instead of high-caloric sugary drinks, and avoid soda. Childhood obesity and weight gain lead to type 2 diabetes and other medical problems later in life.

7. Walk to school with a companion, and use the safest route possible. Wear bright colors. Do not talk to strangers, and consider carrying a whistle to alert someone if you are in danger.

8. If you are bullied or see someone else being bullied, report this to an adult supervisor, parent or teacher.

9. If you drive to school, remember a car is like a weapon. Don’t text and drive.

10. Have fun, study hard, and be a friend to those who need one. SOURCE: Dr. Anthony Sabatino, chief medical officer and regional vice president for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia

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