The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



“Why does everyone call Cy ‘the Cynic’?” a new member of my club asked.

“He’s a typical cynic who distrusts everything and everybody,” I shrugged, “but it’s mostly because his partners and teammates always let him down.”

I wrote down today’s deal. In a team match, Cy played at four spades. West found the best lead of a heart, and East took his high hearts and ... shifted to a diamond. Cy won in dummy, picked up the trumps with a finesse against East’s queen and claimed, plus 620.

“Surely his team gained IMPs,” our newcomer said. “East beats the contract by leading another heart at Trick Four. West can uppercut with his seven of trumps, and declarer loses a trump trick.”

“True,” I said. “But at the other table, Cy’s teammate sitting East threw in an overcall of two hearts. North-South doubled that and got all their tricks on defense for down three, plus 800. So Cy lost five IMPs for making his unmakable game.”

“I begin to understand,” said our new member.


You hold: ♠ J1054 ♥ 9 83 ◆ AQ ♣ K842.The dealer, at your left, opens two hearts, a weak two-bid. Your partner doubles. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s double promises opening values — probably more since you might have to respond at the three level — and support for the unbid suits. Jump to three spades, inviting game. A bid of two spades promises nothing.

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