The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



The ACBL Summer Championsh­ips in Toronto in July included the 10th annual “Youth NABC.” Young players came from all over to compete for scholarshi­ps, and attendance broke a record. Many junior players were to be found in Open events as well.

In a Swiss Teams, today’s South was Harrison Luba of Lynnfield, Mass. He bid himself to 3NT with a slightly deficient stopper in clubs. West led a low spade, and Luba captured East’s queen. If declarer returned a spade, he could set up his ninth trick, but then the defense might shift to clubs and run the suit.

Luba could have cashed out for down one. Instead of giving up, he tried subterfuge. He led a diamond to dummy’s king and returned the nine of clubs! East covered with the 10 — and won the trick. A spade return went to West’s ace. Luba won the next spade and claimed his game.

Clearly, the defense slipped, but credit Luba — who happens to be 13 years old — for inventing a chance for nine tricks where none existed.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ A8732 ♥ K76

5 ◆ 5 ♣ A K 5. You open one spade, your partner responds two clubs, you bid two hearts and he tries three diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner probably has a good hand with a long club suit. Bid four clubs. To show your good support for his primary suit is mandatory. If he has 6, A 4, AK76, QJ10863, you might make a grand slam.

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